Sunday 31 July 2016

Using low grades as assets in admission essays for college or mba school

You are seriously aiming to apply to the college or business school of your choice. You have taken the required tests, and now, you are ready for the grueling application process. In particular, you need to pay attention to the College Admission Essay, or MBA essay as part of your application, since the college admission essay or MBA essay allows you to explain certain weaknesses in your grades. Many colleges and universities still have reservations on admitting applicants whose school records contain grades that they consider low as per their standards. And this is your big dilemma. How to explain your low grades. This is where the College Admission Essay or MBA essay will play a vital role.

In cases where you unfortunately received a bad grade, the best thing to do is to give a valid and genuine reason. Do not ignore it, but address it head on. In the college admission essay or MBA essay you have the golden opportunity to explain your low grades and provide rational reasons on why these grades are not necessarily reflective on your potential as a student. Offer a specific example to explain your side of the issue. For instance, you can say that personal problems (sick family member or unexpected accident) kept you from focusing more on your studies.

Just try to keep in mind that your aim in your explanation in the admission essay or MBA essay is not to make excuses nor create tall tales to cover the fact that you have a low grade in one or two subject areas. The goal is to emphasize the reality that the bad grade was not because you failed to study but because circumstances were simply beyond your control. Make it a point to stress that it was just a temporary setback and that overall, your school record is still academically excellent, and that you are worthy of admission to the school of your choice. In fact, you may want to explain how such unexpected experiences actually made you into a better person, a more mature and understanding person, who now appreciates life more and is more driven than ever before. Your primary goal should be to convey to the reader that you are a better person as a result of your personal experiences, which in turn make you a better candidate for admission.

Also, remember that different schools place different weights on test scores or grades and may emphasize your college admission essay or MBA essay instead. Rather, they look more into your extracurricular activities since the approach of their program is the total development of an individual. In such cases, lower grades may not be as crucial in the admissions process, but you should still aim to explain them as best as you can, and doing so can best be done in the College Admission Essay or MBA essay.

Ask don t tell leadership - what if i lose control of my staff as a leader

Question: I am a sales manager for a business services firm in Minneapolis. I am responsible for all new business revenue for my company and I have 5 sales people that work for me. Of the 5 sales people only one is a star performer. The issue I am having is he breaks all the rules and creates really bad relationships with all the other people in the company. I am on the senior team and the rest of them are angry that this keeps happening. While I don't like to hear the comments from the senior team, I am aware that I cannot make my numbers goals and the company can't make there's for the year without him. What do I do?

Answer: I call this a terrorist! A terrorist is someone who knows what they have on you and they use it to hold you and everyone else in the company hostage to their behavior. I like to take my clients through an exercise of understanding the Goal, Position, and Strategy Questions to determine what actions need to be done.

The first question I ask is, "What is the goal around the problem?" This is to ensure that we are aiming at the right issue. What I invite my clients to do is to first reflect on the organization's overall goal. Then link that to the current situation. This way what ever you do, you will be in total alignment with what is best for the business overall.

In this situation you have identified the fact that in order to make your business unit's goals and the company's, you need this employee. That is a big step and oftentimes leaders become so emotionally charged by such situations they act before they consider the goals and objectives of the company or the department. I commend you for your forethought. Typically leaders who do this are considered high in emotional intelligence. This has been shown to be one of the key components in assessing one's long term success in their career.

The next step is to understand the position you and your company are in. Elevate to 50,000 foot level to see the whole situation. Go beyond yourself and ask, "How did this begin to happen? Sometimes we might find the root cause built into the culture of the organization. Is this type of behavior is tolerated here?

In the case of Enron when the CEO learned that two of the traders were stealing from the company he did nothing and then soon after said, 'keep making us money.' What they were stealing was minor compared to what they were making the company. He knew that if he took action, he would stop his revenue machine that he needed because it was his end goal. It also gave permission to the others that if they were that good at making money for the company they could steal from the company as well. It was the outcome they got, should not have been a surprise. This is the extreme case of the terrorist working for the company - and it was exaggerated by a lack of moral compass by the leadership. In the case you present, it is apparent that this behavior is contrary to what the leadership tolerates is searching for from a behavior.

Once you go up to the 50,000 foot level and see if the company has had complicity in the situation, then it is good to come down to 10,000 foot perspective and see if "you" have complicity in the situation. To be frank, and I hate doing this in a column where I can't ask qualifying questions, but it is hard to imagine that you did not allow this to happen. It is not about absolving the terrorist from his behavior because that is wrong, however, if you had stopped the behavior cold, this would never have happened. I say this because the solution, whatever one you choose, will need to involve your being mentored or coached into creating boundaries for your team. Without these boundaries you will be faced with this issue again.

The third part of our position investigation is to go to ground level – the situation itself. When we find ourselves in this type of situation with an employee we only have two choices, we can either fire or teach. If an employee makes a mistake, it is because we did not teach them correctly or because they are not capable to do the function. Ask three questions to determine what choice to make. The first, is the employee capable of learning? Secondly, does the organization or I have the time and resources available to train this employee? Lastly, is this employee motivated to learn and change? If you answer anyone of of these questions is NO, the decision is chosen, you need to let this person go. The decision is, as Donald Trump would say, You're Fired!

It is unclear from your description if the employee has the capacity to change behavior, so I will assume that he is rather good at what he does for your organization and likely has the ability to change. It is clear that for your number one producer you should have the resources and time to help him come into alignment with the company. The bigger issue is that of motivation. Often times a terrorist does not feel the threat of what can happen to them if they don't start falling in to line. They have become fat, and happy and arrogant! This arrogance is what blocks their ability to realize that they need to change. The company has reached a point where it can no longer tolerate this kind of behavior.

Unlike Donald's TV Drama we live in the real world, and just letting him go is not a great first choice given the company's dependence on his revenue.

In almost all other circumstances the move would surely be to fire, but because this employee mean so much to the organizations health as far as revenue.

The last part of understanding our position is to understand whose decision is it to make, and what needs to be done. If the consequences of your actions will compromise the strategic direction of the company, I would invite you to consider involving the senior team and that the responsibility is yours to deal with it, and the final decision may actually be the team's or the CEO's call, given its importance to the organization.

This is truly a strategic decision then, it is not simply letting one person go, it is letting many people go, if one presumes in a service firm, lower revenue means fewer employees needed to service the customers.

At this point I would coach you to have a conversation with your CEO and the rest of the strategic team and tell them the steps that you are considering and ask these strategic questions: At what point as an organization are we willing to take a principled stance on the issue over that of revenue? Are we clear what the outcome of this will be to our other employees? Will we need to do cost cutting to compensate for this move? What will the industry see from losing our most talented sales person? Will he go work for our competition? What impact will that have on your company? By working through these strategic issues as an organization and lifting this issue to its proper place the senior team - you will be aligning everyone to be part of the process and stop complaining about it.

By going through these questions the conclusion you may arrive at the end of this process is that you use a three pronged approach to dealing with this situation. Executing three plans simultaneously.

Plan "A" You will need to continue coaching the employee towards the behavior that is in alignment with the firm’s values, beliefs, and rules.

Plan "B", at the same time I would highly recommend moving the rest of the sales team to a higher level to loose your dependence on this terrorist, and operationalize Plan "C" and start the recruiting process for the possible if not probable replacement of the employee.

It is important that the others on the senior team and your sales team know that you are coaching this employee in these areas of behavior and that it is not sitting OK with you. But no more information than that - it is inappropriate to say more than that in a public setting. It will build your credibility as a leader and not allow one persons behavior sink the culture the company wants to build.

Tuesday 26 July 2016

Mudarse a otro pais

Si te mudas a otro paнs o ciudad, sea cual fuera la razуn, trabajo, situaciуn econуmica, familia, novio, novia, cambio de aire; todas las razones llegan a ser insuficientes pero necesarias a la hora de adaptarse.

Adaptarse a una nueva cultura, idioma, ambiente, clima, reglas sociales, y estilo de vida es muy duro y al mismo tiempo interesante. En mi caso personal, cuando me mude de paнs fue porque mi familia lo decidiу hacer, no seguн mis necesidades ya que era demasiado chica para seguir mi propio camino y demasiado grande para depender de sus decisiones. Sin embargo seguн las decisiones de mi familia.

Al principio de mi llegada, decidн tomarme todo fбcilmente como si fuera irreal, ya que era muy duro enfrentar la realidad de que me aleje de mi vida, que deje todo lo que tenia atrбs.

Decidн entonces que todo seria una gran vacaciуn. Junto con el clima era caluroso, vivнa cerca de la playa lo cual en mi paнs no lo tenнa entonces mi vida seria un cuento total. A lo largo de los meses, no hacia mas nada que salir, comprar, conocer gente y divertirme sin ningъn propуsito de lo que iba a pasar en mi futuro.

Luego de unos meses conocн a un chico que creнa que cumplнa con todas mis expectativas de hombre ideal. Popular, atractivo, simpбtico, deportista y demбs. Comenzamos a salir y creнa que era el sueсo de mi vida hecho realidad, їQuй podнa ser mas perfecto que eso?

La realidad me cayo de golpe cuando me di cuenta que nada de lo que creнa tan perfecto era asн, sino una idealizaciуn de eso. Mi plata se me iba disminuyendo poco a poco, el novio perfecto no eran perfecto ni mucho menos sino que solo querнa demostrarlo ser, y traнa consigo mбs complicaciones y dilemas que me llevarнan a sufrir en la relaciуn. Mis alrededores no me satisfacнan como yo pensaba que iban a hacerlo, pero decidн que debнa intentarlo igual ya que todo parecнa perfecto y no lo querнa arruinar.

Luego vino el invierno y comencй lo que habнa planeado antes de mi llegada: estudiar moda y convertirme en una sъper diseсadora. Sin embargo me encontrй con un lugar lleno de gente que creнa ser demasiado rara y competitiva, sin nada de ganas de socializar ni conocer a alguien nuevo. La presiуn de ser aceptado a la escuela de arte y ganar la simpatнa de los profesores era mayor que otra cosa.

Me encontrй en situaciones difнciles como en una clase de moldes, tratando de hacer una pollera que me llevarнa hacer un dнa entero solo el molde. Ahн me di cuenta que lo que necesitaba era estudiar en un idioma que me era cуmodo, con gente parecida a mi con ganas de disfrutar la йpoca universitaria y aprender pero con un propуsito mas profundo que llenara mi alma.

Luego de un tiempo pensй y pensй que todo lo que creнa necesario para mi felicidad en realidad no me satisfacнa y no entendнa mis sentimientos y descontento. Mi familia tampoco lo entendнa. La verdad es que hay gente que sabe encontrar lo que busca mбs fбcil que otra. Pueden seguir su propio instinto sin importar lo que dirбn los demбs, si aceptan o no. Hay otra, que les es mбs difнcil y necesitan demostrar a los demбs que logran lo que se proponen, sin saber si realmente lo desean.

En fin, mudarse de paнs es algo muy complicado que tambiйn tiene cosas positivas. Ayuda a abrir la cabeza y darse cuenta que uno no esta solo, que hay mucha gente diferente aparte de lo que uno creнa ъnico, que las culturas son diferentes y parecidas en muchos aspectos, que a pesar de que uno intente adaptarse a algo nuevo, en el fondo es importante mantener nuestra identidad. Debes seguir tus sentimientos siempre, porque tu solo sabes lo que es bueno para ti.

Uk property investors go for philippine condotel investments

Investments in buy to let properties or Condo Hotels in the Philippines have increased in popularity by 29 per cent during the last three months, making it the second most popular investment vehicle behind consumers’ own homes, according to PLC Global.

Beth Collingz, Global marketing Director of PLC International Marketing Networks, a company specializing in Condo Hotel or Condote Sales and Marketing in the Philippines, comments: "The UK Savings and Investments index clearly shows that the UK saver prefers to invest in bricks and mortar and more and more investors are moving offshore to take advantage of the much cheaper prices in the Philippines and high rates of rental returns as room rates in Metro Manila and Cebu, two major Cities in the Philippines, are not much less than rates charged for rooms in Europe making the Philippines buy to let properties an ideal property investment".

The Philippines, located in Southeast Asia, is one of the few fully democratic nations with a predominantly English speaking population benefiting from substantial foreign direct investment and billions of dollars in remittances from overseas Filipinos. According to the report these facts mean that over the coming decade the housing market in Philippines will likely go from strength to strength and anyone who invests now could net up to 400% profit on their investment in the next ten years.

Because property prices in the Philippines for mid range Condominium developments start from as little as twenty five thousand Pounds [25,000 GBP], the room for property price expansion is clear. The low starting prices for real estate in the Philippines also mean that its property sector is already attracting substantial international real estate investor interest.

Investors from all backgrounds are attracted to the Philippines - those with a small sum of money to invest are looking to make immediate gains from buying Condos in Metro Manila preconstruction which can be purchased by stage payment and profited from upon completion when investors are flipping the real estate right back into the market. Those with more substantial sums of money to invest are generally drawn to either the Condotel Investment property sector in Manila or the Philippines burgeoning tourism market.

Opportunities in the Philippines tourism market exist along the country’s stunning and as yet undeveloped coastline and also in the Philippines quality but as yet little known beach resorts. Accommodation in these locations is required to let out to tourists and a growing number of British citizens are also seeking second homes in these areas of Cebu, Philippines as well, with most preferring to purchase Condotel or Fully Managed and Operated Condo Developments where a rental income can be gained when not using their units.

Pacific Concord Properties, Inc., Flagship Lancaster Atrium Suites Condotel [Manila] development located along Shaw Boulevard, Mandaluyong City, Metro Manila, is one of the hottest Condotel Investments in the Philippines where property investors, apart from real estate appreciation initially reckoned to be 100% for early investors, will get projected Rental Incomes on their units of up to 16% per annum once fully operational from 2010

To be called Lancaster Atrium [which is the second Tower adjacent to the existing “Sold Out” Tower I] Condotel Studios, One, Two & Three Bedroom Suites are currently available to Property Investors adopting International Standard Escrow Trust Account “Buyer Safe” Easy Secure Payment Plans… with 6 year interest free payment terms or up to 12 year no prequalification "In-House" financing [available to all overseas buyers], full condo ownership, no management costs for Condotel Suites, no enrollment charges for joining the Condotel Rental Pool, and minimum monthly maintenance fees, as buyers or sellers of Real Estate you really should take a moment to look at this Philippine Condotel Investment Opportunity

According to Beth Collingz, of PLC International Marketing Networks, a Lead Marketing Partner with Pacific Concord Properties Inc., whom have Condotel developments in Metro Manila and Cebu, and specializes in working with international clients: “My phone has been very busy with buyers from the UK, Scotland and Australia interested in purchasing investment properties and holiday homes here. A lot of this interest is being driven by the relatively cheap market prices in the Philippines compared to Europe, especially UK Housing prices, and the easy payment options available for our Condotel Developments where they can use the Condo for vacations and rent it out through our In-House Condotel Management thereby gaining rental incomes that on today’s purchase prices, give a projected ROI of some 12-16% depending upon mode of payment for the unit”

Beth Collingz

Director - PLC International Marketing Networks

Relationship - are you sacrificing more

No relationship is equal give and take. In every relationship, both the partners make adjustments to make the relationship a success. Both give up many choices in life and try to contribute for the continuation of the relationship. Sacrifices are always called for in a healthy relationship. The relationship thrives on them. When we sacrifice we feel good because we feel worthy. Having given up something always makes us feel good.

It can also make us feel bad, if it goes on from one side and the other partner not even acknowledges that. The resentment sets in to the detriment of the relationship.

Why Sacrifice - two people cannot relate and live together peacefully, if they set their own conditions of living. They have to draw a common way and sacrifice their own hobbies, interests, and many other interests. Many adjustments have to be made to make a relationship succeed.

Are You Sacrificing More - human beings are all different. Some of us are givers by our natural instinct. In any relationship, such people will always give without any second thought. As the relationship progresses, such givers keep on sacrificing more and more to make the relationship work and keep the partner happy. Slowly the resentment may develop. I am only giving since years. I am not getting anything in return. Why am I being demanded to give again and again. I have my own life and desires. What about that? Why the world is becoming selfish? No body bothers about my comfort. Am I a sacrificial goat? Such thoughts slowly develop and destroy the relationship over period of time. Any relationship that began with imbalances would not survive long if checks are not kept. If you sacrifice more, please stop and review your life.

Monday 25 July 2016

For hassle free business loans try online business loans

With the arrival of internet and the other services it has become easy for many people to carry out their operations with relatively higher amount of security. The same applies to the banks and their banking services the people can now apply for loans online and can the wide variety of benefits and services.

Taking a business loan can be a complicated affair, which is why it is always advisable to go in for the online business loans to avoid all the disturbances that can possibly arrive. With an online business loan the borrower can eliminate many constraints and avail many benefits such as:

• The online business loans are approved quicker than the loans applied for, in other ways.

• The online business loans applied for keep the data of the borrower confidential.

• There are many borrowers which are available online which provides a borrower with a number of options.

• With so many creditors, the borrowers can get terms which suit them rather than the creditors. This includes terms such as the rate of interest, loan term, and monthly repayments.

• People with bad credit history generally prefer the online creditors so that they can best deals as far as far as their loans as concerned.

Evaluating all this we can say that with online loans there is only one winner and that is the borrower.

Turning to the aspect for which the loans are taken. Online business loans have proved very useful in providing a base for a lot of businessmen, with the gamut of their features. The online business loans may be taken by the business man for the following reasons.

• An online business loan can be taken for starting a new business.

• An online business loan can help a borrower in expanding his current business operations. This process may include buying new plots of lands or buying new assets.

• Business loans help the businessmen who do their business on credit and therefore, can use loans as working capital.

• Business loans can be used as the bridging loans as well catering many requirements.

• These days many a people start getting into debts with small debts with business loans we can also use them as the pay day loans.

That is not all with the online business loans the borrowers have other benefits as well. The borrowers have an option of applying for the secured as well as unsecured loans. Along with many fringe benefits.

If business is your concerned area and you have no finances to go ahead with your operations then if you qualify the best option for anyone is that of online business loans.

The secret - collection of inspirational quotes part 35

Faith makes all things possible . makes all things easy.

-- D. L. Moody

Desperation is the mistress of the impossible.

-- Spanish Proverb

Listen carefully to what country people call mother wit. In those homely sayings are couched the collective wisdom of generations.

-- Maya Angelou

If you have knowledge, let others light their candles at it.

-- Margaret Fuller

. . . all men make mistakes. But a good man yields when he knows his course is wrong, and repairs the evil. The only crime is pride.

-- Sophocles

The first duty of man is that of subduing fear.

-- Thomas Carlyle

That's what learning is. You suddenly understand something you've understood all your life, but in a new way.

-- Doris Lesing

Great spirits have always encountered violent opposition from mediocre minds.

-- Albert Einstein

We have no more right to consume happiness without producing it than to consume wealth without producing it.

-- George Bernard Shaw

Enthusiasm is the greatest asset in the world. It overwhelms and engulfs all obstacles. It is nothing more nor less than faith in action.

-- Henry Chester

The map is not the territory.

-- Alfred Korzbyski

Every man's condition is a solution in hieroglyph to those inquiries he would put. He acts it as life before he apprehends it as truth.

-- Ralph Waldo Emerson

It's hard to detect good luck -- it looks so much like something you've earned.

-- Frank A. Clark

The best proof of love is trust.

-- Dr. Joyce Brothers

Transformation is a journey without a final destination.

-- Marilyn Ferguson

It's better to be a lion for a day than a sheep all your life.

-- Sister Elizabeth Kenny

We have to understand that the world can only be grasped by action, not by contemplation. The hand is more important than the eye . . . The hand is the cutting edge of the mind.

-- Jacob Bronowski

A man is not finished when he is defeated. He is finished when he quits.

-- Richard Nixon

To read more quotes visit : spiritual-simplicity. com

Sunday 24 July 2016

Know more about type of backpack

Backpack is one foe the most important outdoor and camping equipment. The outdoor camping trip could not happen without backpack and good quality backpack provides smooth and pleasant trip. Backpacks are design to fit to each personality of both men and women. The purpose of carry backpack is simply enabling us to carry all necessary for travel without leaving them at one place. And when you decide to buy your backpack, you should know what you intend to use it for. It is quite obvious that backpacks now are becoming the major equipment that traveller and camper must have. However, the factor to determine the type of backpack you would need is to consider from the objective. Types of backpack can be divided into four major categories which are, military backpacks, assault packs, full packs, day packs.

Therefore, the following detail will take you thought the basic guide of these types of backpack. You will get to know each of them about what they look like and short description of their usage. We are going to start to know assault pack. Assault pack typically known as mountain pack, which is suitable for camping and mountain climbing activities or any other recreation trip. The pack of assault type is probably biggest among pack of any other type of backpack as they are designed for carrying more stuff for long or mountain vacation. Also the packs come in two main types! They are internal frame and external frame. The purpose of these frames is to distribute weight evenly through the pack. The internal frame may have less capability of hold heavy stuff than the pack that has external frame.

The first type of backpack is day pack. Day pack means to some kind of pack that we use to contain stuff that will be used during the day. Therefore, it doesn’t need to be big and they are usually has low capacity. Day pack may not suitable for long trip that requires bigger and tougher backpack. However, you may use day pack with your long trip by us them as a personal bag to carry travelling stuff such as wallet, purse, air tickets, and all travel document. This is because when you travel, especially if you travel overseas, you should keep this kind of stuff handy.

The third type is military backpack. Military backpack is quite flexible and utilised because they are designed to be used in very hard and tough condition. However, you may find that military backpack may not have as large size as other type of travel backpack. Military backpack is also suitable for short trip and if you are willing to travel to remote rural area, military backpack maybe the one that you are looking for. The fabric used for military backpack is extremely hard and you cloud make sure that it will never easily tear.

From the detail described above then you can see that there's practical value in learning more not only about backpack topic but for all other ones. Can you think of ways to apply what's been covered in this article and as your knowledge about this topic may continues to grow, you will begin to see how it fits into the overall scheme of things.

Saturday 23 July 2016

Learn about earning an online degree and the advantages

After reading this article concerning online degrees, you should be able to make a wise decision on whether an online degree is for you. You should be able to help your friends with the amount of knowledge you will have gained on this online degree information.

Online degrees show the way to many rewards because students can use the training toward a career. Online universities allow students to earn a degree selecting from more than a hundred of degrees online, consisting of Certificates, Six Sigma Cert, Masters, Bachelors, Doctrines, PhD, and Diplomas. The advance online education universities facilitate students to choose at what time they will take curriculums and where they want to take the classes. Students can earn degrees in three years or less. In addition online universities propose flexible schedules and pay plans making online degrees more to your development. The universities facilitate students to choose their own time for learning and to go to classes.

Institution of higher online education schools has a tendency to be less trying, operating around schedules and pay plans. From time to time if the student is behind schedule on assignments, the schools allow grants for extra time.

Added online degrees comprise of commerce, healthcare and information technology. The degrees offer a flourishing prospect, because all three businesses are rising. The new-fangled renew growths near-term make it capable to earn a wealth of money annually. What’s more, the vocations completed with the degrees pose the possibility of losing.

Going through the rest part of this article, you will be able to see just how important the online degrees can be too many people.

The manufacturing areas in many fields are growing, for that cause if you are taking into consideration online degrees take into account which degrees can reward you. Once more, healthcare, technology and business are on the rise which will promptly pay quiet money to any schooling costs. Considering the outcome of earning a degree online as greatly so as considering about the kind of degree you want to achieve.

Think about; criminal justice degrees are obtainable at the online educational programs. Thinking about this degree, we see the choices of studying about law, courts, juvenile courts, politics, government, correctional justice, regulations, society and ethnics, moral, history of law, crime and other areas of learning come together while earning a degree in this field.

You pay around $15,000 at few online universities to earn a degree in this field. At some online schools, you can get away with an associate degree which offers comparable qualifications in the workplace, paying only a thousand for the degree. Nevertheless, once you complete the degree and choose to work in the law enforcement, most times, you will earn fewer than $30,000 per year, and be in danger at all times.

In comparison, you can imagine that it will take you longer overall to repay your school costs, yet it will occur. On the other hand, you can choose a degree in the healthcare industry. You can shell out about $15,000 for a bachelor’s in healthcare management. On the other hand, perhaps somewhere an online school is proposing healthcare management courses for less, say around $2000. Throughout the course of earning your degree somewhere in between, you can establish work in the healthcare industry. You may begin as an intern, but slowly work into a specialist in the healthcare industry.

During your first year as an intern, you may make around $30,000 or more annually. During your first specialist year in the workplace, you may earn more than $60,000 annually. After you move ahead, you will begin making more in the industry. As you can see in the first year, you paid for your degree twice and made no income expenses. However, after the next year of work after the IRS finishes getting their cut, you have more than doubled your money and paid for the time you used up going to online universities.

Thus, what is the gain of earning a degree in a field where your earnings seldom increases? Sure, you can land a paying job in particular fields that propose better wages, but still is the time really worth it? Is your life really worth it?

As you can see, what is inside you factors into earning a degree on or offline? If you want to become a law official then the low annual gross earnings won’t concern you. On the other hand, if you want to earn big cash at your work, then certain online degrees are more to your benefit than other online degrees have to offer.

The next time you have questions regarding online degrees, you can refer back to this article as a handy guide.

Friday 22 July 2016

Is your credit rating grating

Your credit rating is quite an important piece of recorded history. It tells something of your ability to manage financial debt to a possible lender who may have no other way of knowing.

You may feel that it is pointless to think about buying your own home if you have a less-than-perfect credit rating. However, in-roads can be made into this problem, and with patience you could be house-hunting this time next year!

Let us suppose you feel that your credit rating has been a little 'off-color' and that your record is not looking the way you would like it to. Some of us experience bad times, divorces, patches of unemployment, illness - there are many good reasons why a person can have a bad credit history.

Unfortunately these bad times can be mirrored in our credit rating. Failure to pay bills on time, or pay them at all, will be listed in the history.

But now life has been good to you, and things are under control, so how to get rid of all the black marks from previous years? Well, in effect, you can't! Sorry, that is the bad news - but there is good news too! There are two ways around this problem that are fairly easy.

Some banks will set you up with a way to give you another chance! Many won't, but there is at least one national bank that will consider helping you.

They will issue you with a credit card that carries a low credit limit of say $200.00 to $500.00 and you will deposit the equivalent sum of money in a new bank account at their bank.

Your money will not be used by you, it will sit there. It is like insurance for the bank. Every month you will use your credit card (make sure you keep a running debt on it), and every month you will pay the card off, or pay the minimum payment or a larger amount. This must be paid on time each month, as you are attempting to prove that you have control over your finances now.

The second way is this: there is a credit card company that is always sending out application forms nationwide; they actually advertise that you don't need to have a good credit rating to get a credit card with them

If you get one of their cards, and pay off at least your minimum payment every month, you will be building credit. Now that you are trying to re-establish good credit, there are three golden rules.

Pay all your bills. Pay minimum balance when you can't afford more. If you miss payments, get them up to date and do not let it happen again. i. e. request direct debit payments.

Even the most lenient mortgage lenders require a good credit history for at least a year, so if you follow these tips, you could be on your way to buying a home next year!

Thursday 21 July 2016

What they never told you about getting website traffic

Do you know why...?

Even though your website promotes a product/service, your website is a product unto itself, and you have to promote it. A multimedia approach is most effective. Make sure your URL appears in all ads you do for your product/service, as well as on your letterhead and business cards. Teach classes or give lectures on your topic of expertise and hand out class material that has your website and contact information included. Whenever you send email to an affiliate, partner or customer, include your website address in your email signature line.

Search engines consider where you place your keywords, and how many times you use them, in order to figure out your ranking and the relevancy of your site to a customer search request. You want to be ranked as high as possible on the search engine list, so place keywords in the page titles and meta tags and early in the content of your page.

Think of your website as a series of websites, not just a home page. Then you realize that each page of your website must be search engine optimized. You can help accomplish this by using keywords in page titles. The title of each page, the keywords you use on that page and the phrases you use in the content will draw traffic to your site using different search engine terms and techniques, so be sure you capture all the keywords and phrases you need for each product, service or information page.

Because the web is an ever changing landscape, you have to keep track of your own web results, what is happening with the competition and the best and highest search engine ranked sites. Find and use tools that will help you cut through the muck and mire and get to the heart of what is happening, develop your website plan, test your own website links, develop and review online ads, find affiliates and partners and more.

Make sure you are using the right keywords to get potential customers to your website. Do some researches on sites like inventory. overture. com/d/searchinventory/suggestion/. Type in the keyword(s) and keyword phrases you think are going to work on your site, and see if these are actually the ones that most customers use. Include commonly misspelled words in your keyword list so you Don't lose a customer just because they Don't know how to spell.

You can also test keywords at wordtracker at wordtracker. com. Wordtacker will allow you to find and research dozens of combinations of keywords.

Using the correct keywords to attract your target audience based on what they search for will cause search engines to spider your articles more often, raising their rank in organic searches.

Begin testing this idea right away...

Make woodworking more enjoyable with quality tools

People everywhere are discovering the joy of woodworking. Today, when furniture and other types of wood-based manufacturing is moving overseas, getting old-fashioned quality is often next to impossible.

And of course, the high price of fine already-made wood products can also be prohibitively high. The good news is more and more people are either getting into woodworking or are expanding their skills and shops.

As a leading manufacturer of woodworking tools, our customers range from the weekend hobbyist with a set-up in the garage, to shops that turn out growing quantities of quality wood products.

One thing that will make your woodworking efforts far more productive and enjoyable is having the proper tools. Often we point to a professional's skills as what separates him or her from the amateur, but skill isn't the only factor. A pro usually has a well-developed collection of quality tools, with the right tool for every job.

And that's a BIG advantage. Just about any job goes faster and gets better results when you have the RIGHT tool for the situation.

One constant challenge for woodworking shops is to keep dust under control. Super-fine saw dust can accumulate on floors, walls, in air conditioning, clog up tools, and even serve as fuel for fires. Worst of all, breathing saw dust can have a serious effect on your health. Most cities now have requirements that all commercial woodworking shops have dust gathering and removal systems.

An over-arm blade cover with dust collection for your table saw can be just what you need to control dust. Coupled to an appropriate dust collection system the blade cover will collect the dust as it flies off the revolving saw blade, keeping your shop and the air you breathe clean.

A sliding table will be a definite asset to your woodworking shop. Available in four sizes and designed to fit most table saws, sliding tables make it easy and safer for one person to cut large, heavy panels or long stock accurately. Plus, each sliding table has a two-part quick release-mounting bracket. With this you can quickly remove the sliding table from your table saw and attach it to your spindle shaper, router table or band saw.

If you're serious about woodworking, don't be afraid to spend the money to get really good quality professional tools. The price is often very affordable, and you'll get years of enjoyment and productivity from your arsenal of well-chosen tools.

Personality - do you test your limits

Are you a normal person or you normally test your limits? Let me explain what I am saying. Many of us love extreme actions and test ourselves to the extreme whenever the opportunity arises. For example, if there is a stunt event in the town, such people will go and watch it and then try the same stunt without any training. They risk their life in many such adventures but that is their nature. Are you one of these?

In business and job, such people will again react and act in extreme manner. Other co-workers will think many times before approaching boss for anything, but not those who test their limits. They think nothing of he consequences. They act like this in all life situations.

Why these people act like this? They probably enjoy adventure. They don't care for the results. They are ready to face the worst and also don't fear the worst. They have great confidence and belief in themselves. For them the whole life is an adventure.

it sounds strange but it is true. Few days back a young boy of about four and half years ran non-stop for sixty-five kilometers in India. If this is not testing the limits then what is it? The boy is adventurous and so is the coach. Though Government Of India is looking at this as violation of human right, because the child can suffer irreparable damage to his bones and kidneys, this example tells about how such people test the limits.

Wednesday 20 July 2016

3 tips on choosing the right perfume for you

With the thousands of fragrances in the market, it can sometimes be tricky to choose the one that is perfect for your taste, personality, the occasion, and other factors. Check out the following basic tips that you may find useful when choosing and even wearing the perfect perfume for you.

1. Determine your budget.

Perfumes are priced in a very big range, from very inexpensive colognes to luxurious designer brands. Determining your budget or the money you are prepared to spend beforehand will help narrow down the choices and will save you a lot of time.

2. Know what particular smell you want and go for it.

Decide on what type of fragrance you want based on what use the perfume would be to you. For instance, is it for special occasions? Is it to please or seduce a lover? Is it for everyday wash and wear? If you plan to please someone, make sure to research on the particular fragrances he or she likes. If you want it to be an everyday whiff you can wear to work or school, you may want to buy a lighter and fresher scent. If it’s for big parties and formal events, choose a perfume that makes a stronger impact by blending well with your body chemistry.

Other factors like the weather or season are also important to consider. For instance, if you live in a very humid setting, floral fragrances with a woody or musky base often complement the sultry weather. If you’re often surrounded by a lot of people in near proximity, don’t choose a very strong perfume because not everyone likes perfume. Citrus, sea breeze and other herb and floral fragrances are often fresh and rejuvenating, perfect for someone always on the go. If you will be out on a date and want to heighten the romance, choose a scent that is a bit stronger but not overpowering. Usually oriental spices project confidence and sophistication. Meanwhile, aromatic blends are perfect for men who like to smell like a true man exuding with machismo and security.

3. Examine carefully before buying.

When you’ve finally narrowed down your choices and you’re ready to go to a perfume shop, don’t forget to carefully examine each perfume you fancy before getting ahead of yourself and purchasing. Take note that your nose can only handle so much and testing 20 perfumes consecutively will prove to be futile. Before you start spraying a perfume on your wrist, spray it first on a card or paper and decide if you like it. If not, move on to the next. Once you find a scent you think is perfect, start testing it on your body. Apply a small amount on your wrist or at the back of your arm. Sometimes the saleslady will offer to apply some in her own skin and have you smell it. This is a no-no because each of us reacts to perfumes in different ways. Make sure the perfume is perfect for you by putting it on your own skin. Wait for a few minutes because fragrances start to grow on you and smell different after a while.

The traits of a good coach

Being a coach is easy. But being a good coach is another matter entirely. This job requires showing a lot of certain psychological characteristics. If a coach is to succeed, he simply has to show the following traits:

1.Knows the discipline he's coaching

It's trivial, but the coach has to know ins and outs of the discipline - the rules, the history, the tactics etc. Without it they won't be able to do their job properly and will probably quickly lose face when they start making mistakes.

2. Motivates the players

This is probably the single most important trait of a good coach. Without proper motivation, everything comes apart. Remember that a coach will need to lead a team of individuals, everyone with different personal goals. The coach's job is give the players enough motivation to make them start doing things as good as they are able to, and turn their attention from their private matters to the pitch.

3. Talks only when it gets results

A good coach will never speak without a good cause. If they talk too much, they will never actually be listened, so a coach is a person who should talk only when necessary - this will give their words an extra weigh.

4. Is able to listen

Being calmer than usual means also that a coach should be a good listener. If they are to become a good coach, they need to become a surrogate father or mother for their team and listening is the single most important trait that can make it possible.

5. Knows their team

Another important matter is knowing one's team. And it is not only about matching their numbers with the names. A good coach knows everything - both about professional and private life of their players.

6. Treats everyone individually

While (or because) a good coach should know everybody and do their best to hold the place together, it is necessary to treat every player individually. Yelling works only on some of them, the same story is with talking seriously. Using the same method to get everyone do what you say will surely end in breaking some of your players to pieces.

7. Leads by example

The last, but not least: a good coach do themselves everything he will ask others to do. They always set an example - they are first on the trainings and perform every single exercise they order other to do.

Tuesday 19 July 2016

Coastal vacation scams equal bad vacations for you

Coastal vacation scam artists take people’s money with promises of phony vacations. Many of these offers use words like “cheap Hawaiian vacation” to lure travelers.

Most people dream of taking a coastal vacation. They may hope for a cheap Hawaiian vacation package or dream of a coastal vacation resort weekend.

But many coastal vacation scams disguise themselves as legitimate offers. Police report an increase in coastal vacation scams in recent years.

The Internet spawned a new breed of coastal vacation scam artist wanting to cheat honest consumers out of their money. Anyone who types in cheap Hawaiian vacation package into a “Google” search engine will find over one million his.

The Federal Trade Commission reported 3,600 consumers scammed in 2002, amounting to $3.5 million. How can consumers tell the difference between a coastal vacation scam and an honest cheap vacation package?

1. Many people operating coastal vacation scams will ask for a credit card or other financial information early in the conversation. Many of these so-called vacation companies want consumers to give their financial information online for a “cheap Hawaiian vacation.”

The desire by the company to receive financial information before the consumer feel comfortable doing so should indicate a red flag and a possible coastal vacation scam.

Many cases of identity fraud started with coastal vacation scams. Consumers receive their bank or credit card statements and find that in addition to their “cheap Hawaiian vacation,” charges of cash advances and purchases of high-dollar merchandise.

Consumers who fall prey to identity fraud should contact their local law enforcement immediately about the coastal vacation scam.

2. The company operating coastal vacation scams will offer the consumer very little details about the planned trip. The person on the other line, on the phone or on the Internet, will offer constant assurances the hotel in the cheap Hawaiian vacation package features Oceanside views, luxuries rooms and private balconies---very broad descriptions.

The “seller” of the coastal vacation scam may claim they stayed there many times but cannot give specifics.

The company asks the consumer not to contact the hotel or resort directly about the vacation package, another sign of a coastal vacation scam.

If the consumer cannot confirm the reservations with the hotel directly, the consumer should look elsewhere for a cheap Hawaiian vacation. Consumers should get the details and take charge of their coastal vacation and not fall prey to coastal vacation scams.

3. Coastal vacation scam artists use word like “free” or “vacation offer.” Often these so-called “offers” include a daylong presentation before families can use their free tickets--a common coastal vacation scam technique.

If consumers cannot see the islands on their cheap Hawaiian vacation and must sit through lengthy presentations, the vacation may not seem so “cheap.”

4. The Better Business Bureau and other government agencies maintain lists of coastal vacation scams. Smart consumers check these lists and report any contact by these coastal vacation scam artists.

One of the more popular ruses offers a cheap Hawaiian vacation or a cheap family vacation package.

Fear of a coastal vacation scam should not keep consumers from seeking out great vacation deals, like a cheap Hawaiian vacation.

Many companies offer legitimate family vacation packages and an honest travel incentive program that saves families even more money on their vacation costs. Coastal vacation scams should not discourage travelers.

Hollywood and sports logos

Back in the late 1980’s the citizens of Los Angeles celebrated the many victories of their professional ice hockey team, the Los Angeles Kings. Many residents of the City stayed glued to their TV sets on the afternoon when Wayne Gretzky scored his record-breaking goal. Still, one had to admit that the team logo for the Kings was not too colorful. It would have appeared the same, if seen on a black and white TV.

Perhaps that realization planted the seed of an idea. That seed of an idea started to grow. That seed of an idea was most likely the foundation for the area’s second professional ice hockey team. Still that seed grew very slowly at first. For a while, the creation of a second ice hockey logo seemed a long way off. No one could really come up with just the right name for that second ice hockey team.

Then the Disney Company released the movie about “The Mighty Ducks.” The movie drew big crowds to the movie theaters, and it brought good sales, when released as a DVD. The movie also seemed to offer the answer for which so many had been searching. It suggested a name for a second ice hockey team.

The movie released by Disney not only offered the people of southern California a possible name, it also gave them a more colorful logo. Even if this proposed expansion team failed to have the quality players found on the Kings team, it would at least have a very colorful logo. No one really put that idea in words, yet that must have been the thinking of those who would have to market the new team.

After all, the marketing of an expansion team is always a challenge. Such a team does not have a great deal of name recognition. People are not yet familiar with the team’s logo. Both of those looming obstacles would be removed from an expansion team named the “Ducks.” That was the beauty of using that name for a new ice hockey team.

The Disney Company had already profited from its purchase of the California Angels. The Disney Company was ready to finance the creation of the Anaheim Ducks. Therefore, the people of Los Angeles and Orange County began to fly a bit more color during the ice hockey season.

They did not stop flying the logo for the Los Angeles Kings, but they also flew flags with the colorful logo of their own Mighty Ducks. They could thank the Hollywood studios for their more colorful logo.

Cheating spouse is spying an invasion of privacy

My, how the cheating spouse cries foul when he/she discovers you are spying.

Outrage can be intense: “How dare you!! I never thought you would stoop to that! How could you!? How can there be trust in this relationship if you do that? This is none of your business; I don’t spy and go behind your back! Now you know why I want to pull away from you. How could I love anyone that would do something like that to me?" On and on.

Cheating husbands and cheating wives usually will not admit the duplicity of their clandestine behavior. But you are made out to be the villain if you use detective work to discover the truth. It doesn’t make sense, but then again not much about infidelity borders close to sanity.

Are you a morally corrupt duplicitous character hell bent on destroying the integrity of a relationship through spying? No, of course not. The integrity of the relationship has been destroyed through the extramarital affair. The affair shattered the promises and mocked the vows that the two of you made.

You saw clearly the signs of a cheating spouse. The affair invaded the domain of your marriage and crumbled its protective boundaries. The marital infidelity broke the contract of the marriage; it was the act of betrayal. Spying does not damage the marriage. It is an attempt to seek the truth and resolve the pain and deception.

Spying is often used to grasp the reality of the situation. It’s intent is to find the truth. Only the truth can provide a foundation from which to begin resolving the hurt, pain and forging a direction for the marriage and enable each person in the marriage to attain health and sanity.

Monday 18 July 2016

Herbal breast enhancement increase your breast size naturally and safely

Using herbal breast enhancement, many woman claim, allows the body to naturally increase breast size. Women who have tried herbal breast enhancements have reported that their breast size has increased by up to two full cup sizes. 100% Herbal and all natural, this breast enhancement program will increase your breast size, naturally and safely, while adding firmness and fullness. Users of herbal breast enhancements have claimed that their breast size has increased by up to two full cup sizes. To study this issue, please see the following sites: Breast Enhancement boards - discussion about various herbal protocols to increase breast size. With this herbal breast enhancement, increasing your cup size is now easier, safer and less expensive than breast augmentation surgery!

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The best thing about herpes herbal treatment by breast enhancement herbal supplement is the same as breast enlargement herbal. Natural breast enhancement pills: Breast Success is an all natural herbal supplement formulated to naturally increase the size, shape and firmness of female breasts. Our Mirifem supplement is both a herbal breast enhancement pill that works and with its high levels of phytoestrogens, Mirifem alleviates Menopause symptoms. About herbal breast supplement, cure herbal memory problem or cancer coping herbal medicine is focused on herbal breast enhancement. What's herbal oil treatment and breast enhancement herbal supplement, thyroid herbal remedy.

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The My Secret herbal breast enhancement pill was developed to help women achieve a fuller and shapelier bust line. Most herbal breast enhancement solutions are available in pill form, making them both portable and easy to ingest. Mirifem is a herbal breast enhancement pill. And here's why : Quickbust is an advanced formula herbal breast enhancement pill that contains the highest grade botanicals available. This highly rated herbal breast enhancement pill is a favorite among scores of less endowed women looking for a non-surgical solution to breast enhancement.

Pueraria Mirifica Pills KWAOTIP THAI FDA. G. 187/42

Kwaotip is a premuim grade Thai traditional herbal formula derived mainly from White Kwaotip Krua (Pueraria Mirifica). After many years of research from Dr. Wichai Cherdshewasart, the studies indicated that this herb shows estrogenic and rejuvenate effects to the female body especially at the breast, hip, facial skin, body skin, hair and vaginal epithelium. Thus elevate the appearance of the female secondary sexual characteristics and also the skin beauty.

ALL Natural Dietary Supplement

Hight Phytoestrogen (especially isoflavonet):

*Increases sensitivity and vitality

*Promotes silky shiny hair, keeps hair pattem bone calcium accumulation

*Enhances breast and skin appearance

*Serves as a anti-wrinkle agent

*Enhances physical and mental ability

*Serves as a fountain of youth

Ingredients: Pueraria Mirifica and other herbs (60 capsules per box)

Recommended Dosage: Take 2 capsules after breakfast and dinner.

Precautions: - Not for women under 20 years old.

- Women with developing cyst at the ovary, breast, and uterus.

- Pregnant women and breast feeking mother should avoid taking this product.

- Women who are taking birth control pill should not take this product.

breast-enhancement-natural-enlargement. com/

Sunday 17 July 2016

Maybe you can afford health insurance

As a health insurance agent, I call many potential clients and hear the same thing! They tell me that they've already spoken to an insurance agent, know how much health insurance will cost them, and tell me that they are very sorry, but they just cannot afford the bill! When I ask them how much the agent quoted them, I find that they were given price estimates two or three times more than my initial offer.

Why does that happen? Well, I can think of lots of reasons why agents would be tempted to sell the most expensive plans possible, but I also know that agents would rather make a smaller sale than no sale at all! I think the price quotes have more to do with a client's expectations than agent's greed.

Many clients are starting their own business after years in a corporate environment, and they were used to a group plan that covered almost any medical service with very small copays. Many clients are just not aware how much their old company contributed to a comprehensive plan like that, and when they quote invididual health insurance they get sticker shock!

The thing is, individual health insurance quote is usually cheaper than a group plan for the same person or family! That is because a company can underwrite every person on the plan, and are not locked into a contract to take everybody.

I am the first one to admit that health insurance takes a big bite out of a budget, but by trimming some services and keeping others, I can tailor a very satisfactory health insurance plan at a very budget friendly price.

If your family does not visit the doctor more than a couple of times a year, I would start by asking my clients to consider eliminating a doctor's copay. If you pay a $30 copay for a $100 doctor's visit, then you have saved $70. However, the copay feature of an insurance policy often adds 25% to a health insurance premium! For a family of four, that could mean you are paying $100 or more to save $70! In addition, most health insurance plans enroll you in a network, so your $100 doctor's bill may be reduced by 40 - 60% even without the copay.

Another consideration is your deductible. You probably cannot afford the $500 deductible that your old group plan had, but by raising that to $1500 - $2500, you will notice a sharp decline in your monthly health insurance bill! If possible, try to save some of the diffence in case you do have a major hospital bill.

But even if you can only afford a $5,000 hospital deductible, and you really don't have 5K to spare, you really shouldn't be concerned. The insurance card establishes your ability to pay to the hospital, and you won't be asked to write a check before service. You will be sent a bill, and can work out a payment plan after your health issue is resolved. When you balance the liklihood of a hospital stay against saving hundreds of dollars every month, most families will come out ahead with a higher deductible.

Accident plans and critical illness insurance can be low cost forms of coverage that will help you trim bills if you do have a major health issue.

I think it is more important to make certain that your health insurance policy is comprehensive, and will cover expensive medical services, rather than worrying about a larger deductible. Before you purchase a policy for your family, find out how it will handle cancer treatments, organ transplants, and out of town emergencies!

Remember, you are buying health insurance to protect your health and assets in case of a very serious illness, and not to cover a $12 bottle of antibiotics. If minor viruses were the only health issue we risked, nobody would worry about health insurance at all!

Friday 15 July 2016

The simpsons season 5 dvd review

If you’ve never been to Springfield, then you haven’t experienced one of the most entertaining and witty shows in television history. The Simpsons is unrivaled in its satirical quality and is quite possibly one of the funniest shows in television history. It’s already the longest-running prime time series. Long before Seinfeld redefined the traditional sitcom, The Simpsons transformed the animated genre into a ratings boon once again. Its success opened the door for a number of great series such The Family Guy, Futurama, and King Of The Hill. With an endless number of crazy and eccentric characters, The Simpsons is one of the funniest shows you will ever see…

The Simpsons (Season 5) DVD offers a number of hilarious episodes including the season premiere “Homer’s Barbershop Quartet” in which Homer tells Bart and Lisa the story of his early brush with fame as a member of “The Be Sharps” – a barbershop quartet composed of Homer, Principal Skinner, Apu, and Barney (who replaced Chief Wiggum at the request of a music rep). The Be Sharps take the world by storm, performing for President Reagan and Johnny Carson. Eventually, the band is destroyed by Homer’s bad song writing and Barney’s new Asian girlfriend… Other notable episodes from Season 5 include “Rosebud” (a satire of Citizen Kane, but with Mr. Burns in the starring role) and “Lisa vs. Malibu Stacy” in which Lisa protests the stereotypical and sexists remarks made by a talking Malibu Stacy doll (her efforts eventually lead to a new product design which bombs in the marketplace)…

Below is a list of episodes included on The Simpsons (Season 5) DVD:

Episode 82 (Homer’s Barbershop Quartet) Air Date: 09-30-1993

Episode 83 (Cape Feare) Air Date: 10-07-1993

Episode 84 (Homer Goes to College) Air Date: 10-14-1993

Episode 85 (Rosebud) Air Date: 10-21-1993

Episode 86 (Treehouse of Horror 4) Air Date: 10-28-1993

Episode 87 (Marge on the Lam) Air Date: 11-04-1993

Episode 88 (Bart’s Inner Child) Air Date: 11-11-1993

Episode 89 (Boy Scoutz N’ the Hood) Air Date: 11-18-1993

Episode 90 (The Last Temptation of Homer) Air Date: 12-09-1993

Episode 91 ($pringfield) Air Date: 12-16-1993

Episode 92 (Homer the Vigilante) Air Date: 01-06-1994

Episode 93 (Bart Gets Famous) Air Date: 02-03-1994

Episode 94 (Homer and Apu) Air Date: 02-10-1994

Episode 95 (Lisa vs. Malibu Stacy) Air Date: 02-17-1994

Episode 96 (Deep Space Homer) Air Date: 02-24-1994

Episode 97 (Homer Loves Flanders) Air Date: 03-17-1994

Episode 98 (Bart Gets an Elephant) Air Date: 03-31-1994

Episode 99 (Burns’ Heir) Air Date: 04-14-1994

Episode 100 (Sweet Seymour Skinner’s Baadasssss Song) Air Date: 04-28-1994

Episode 101 (The Boy Who Knew Too Much) Air Date: 05-05-1994

Episode 102 (Lady Bouvier’s Lover) Air Date: 05-12-1994

Episode 103 (Secrets of a Successful Marriage) Air Date: 05-19-1994

Wednesday 13 July 2016

Spirituality - journey in the fields of forever part 97

“It was as real as you could get,” Marla said, “more real than breathing. The Chief wants us to explain to you, as clearly and simply as possible, the greatest secret in the universe.”

“So, what’s the big rush? You waited long enough,” I blurted, as I sprang from my chair, waving my hand in the air. “I was beginning to think you’d just made up the whole thing and frankly, I was a bit tired of asking and not getting a direct answer. So, what is it? What’s this greatest secret?”

“The greatest secret in the universe,” Gideon slowly repeated, “is actually not a secret at all. It’s something almost everyone knows instinctively, but most people never quite know it in their hearts. It’s one thing to know about something and an entirely different matter to know that thing. The greatest secret is really the most open secret of all. It’s written in almost all scriptures, but because humanity loves to complicate simple ideas, it has been overlooked time and time again. To tell the . . .”

“Oh come on, Gideon,” I interrupted, “just spell it out.”

“And that’s another thing,” he said in a most commanding tone, “patience is one of your areas that could use a little improvement, John. Learn to be patient and you’ll hear the rhythm of the universe.”

“I’m sorry. Please go on,” I said in a guilt-ridden tone.

“Develop a close and personal relationship with God and everything else will fall into place. That’s the greatest secret of the entire universe, of all time. Simple, isn’t it? I told you it was such an open secret, so simple that most people won’t believe it. Well, there you have it. And don’t forget, this can only be done from within.”

I looked at him scarcely believing what I had heard. That was the secret? After all this time waiting for Gideon to explain the greatest secret in the universe and have him tell me that all I had to do was to develop a close personal relationship with God was more than I could take. How absurd! I began laughing out loud and found that it was becoming more difficult to stop. Finally Marla’s voice broke through my laughter. “What’ssofunny, John?” she asked,“I don’t see anything funny about it at all.”

To read the rest of the story visit spiritual-simplicity. com

Catch up the pace with adverse credit personal loan

Sorry we can’t offer you loan at that low rate of interest!!! or Your documents are not proper!!! or We don’t have loan packages according to your needs…… These are the words which a borrower with bad credit may have heard lot of times. It’s obvious as no lender will put his money at risk with a person who doesn’t have a good rapport with debts in the past. But does that mean those people can’t wish? Don’t they have desires to fulfill? Yes they have and with an adverse credit personal loan they can achieve them.

An adverse credit personal loan is meant for the people facing the trouble of bad credit. Defaulters and arrears, CCJ’s and IVA’s, bankrupts, people with poor credit score, people with large number of debts etc can easily apply for such loans. A credit score below 500 is considered as bad in the eyes of a lender. To know your credit score you can log on to websites of credit rating agencies. These agencies namely Experian, Equifax and Transunion maintains your credit report and calculates your credit score which you can get at some charge.

Like any standard personal loan, these loans also offer funds for catering to numerous personal needs of borrower. These needs can be:

Debt consolidation – to enhance your credit score by reducing your debts in numbers.

Home loans – For buying new home or for improvement of your existing home.

Business financing – For getting your business ideas into reality.

Holiday loans – let your dream of traveling the beautiful destinations of the world come true.

Miscellaneous expenses – Health and educational expenses for you and your children.

Adverse credit personal loans can be taken with or without offering any collateral to the lender. However it is easy to get such loan with secured option at comparatively low interest rate as the risk of the lender is secured. But with the competition increasing in the loan market you can also get good deals for an unsecured adverse credit personal loans.

Searching for an adverse credit personal loan requires some efforts from your side. You can begin your search by visiting banks and financial institutions. Further it is always recommended to go for online option to search as it saves lot of time and energy. As we know that hard work always pays, it will surely get you better rate along with repayment term that’s suits your condition.

For applying for a adverse credit personal loan you need to fill an application form with details such as name of the borrower, address and contact information, residential status, collateral you are offering and its equity value (in case loan is secured), loan amount your are looking for, your credit score and purpose of the loan. Always be sure about terms and conditions of the agreement before signing it. So little precaution and lot of happiness….this should be the idea behind applying for an adverse credit personal loan.

Tuesday 12 July 2016

Complement your mother s personality with the perfect scent

Each spring, Americans strive to find the perfect Mother's Day gift to celebrate the person who nurtures them and makes life more beautiful. Showing your love and appreciation may come in the form of a family brunch or a relaxing spa treatment, but what personalized gift would she cherish all year long?

Here's a hint. "On our Web site, we asked Shop Etc. readers which type of beauty product, from fragrance to skin care to manicure and hair tools, she'd most like to receive for Mother's Day, and perfume topped the list," says Amy Keller, Beauty Director, Shop Etc. "Plus, choosing a scent that you know will 'fit' your mom shows her how much you cherish her."

Fragrance preferences are intensely personal and selecting the best one can present a daunting task. According to Karyn Khoury, Senior Vice President for Corporate Fragrance Development Worldwide of the Estйe Lauder Corporations, giving someone a fragrance she will truly love is not as difficult as it may seem. "Taking into account your mother's personality, her style, her favorite foods and flowers, can give you a pretty accurate picture of what fragrance she'll want to wear over and over again," she said.

Which best describes your mother:

The Sophisticate

Her elegant sense of style has always been inspiring. If exotic food and excursions to European cities are high on her list of must-haves, consider presenting your mom with a sensual scent that signifies refined glamour. Youth Dew Amber Nude Eau de Parfum by Estйe Lauder blends intoxicating flowers including gentian flowers and radiant magnolia, ylang ylang, jasmine, black rose, plus a special sensual skin accord with spicy accents of ginger and fresh tea. The lasting impression is deep and sexy yet never comes on too strong thanks to a combination of amber balms, vetiver, sandalwood, patchouli heart and dark chocolate.

Romantically Inclined

Everything she touches somehow seems more beautiful. A graceful enchanting floral should suit her personality. Beautiful by Estйe Lauder is a lovely, intensely feminine bouquet of vibrant roses, lilies, tuberose, marigold, jasmine, ylang ylang and carnation that creates a flirty twist thanks to fresh mandarin and bright fruity notes. A warm background of sandalwood, moss, amber and vetiver will linger on her skin.

Simple Modernity

For the woman whose sense of style expresses her individuality and incredibly good taste, an airy modern floral fragrance with a hint of femininity and playfulness is destined to become her signature scent. Pure White Linen by Estйe Lauder exudes a feeling of sunlit freshness thanks to its infusion of incandescent grapefruit and mandarin notes that mingle with crisp fruits such as pear and Granny Smith apple and velvety florals. Since her classic inclinations don't mean that she is completely predictable, Pure White Linen finishes with an alluring and mysterious dry down that is comprised of white heliotrope, seductive cedarwood and patchouli.

"The beauty of fragrance is that women can express different moods and the different sides of themselves," says Rochelle Bloom, President of The Fragrance Foundation. "And who knows, by buying her a new scent, you may help her to channel an aspect of her personality even she never knew existed."

The luminous actress Gwyneth Paltrow is an example of a young mother who would appreciate a special scent.

Rebuild your credit with a prepaid credit card

It can be pretty tough when your credit is bad and it is next to impossible to get credit when you need it. Most major credit card companies will not talk to you, and a lender - well, forget about it. There is a way, though, out of the tough situation with a prepaid credit card. Here is what you can do with a prepaid credit card to help rebuild your credit score.

Need A Bad Credit Rating

One of the best things about a prepaid credit card is that it was designed for people with bad credit. In fact, that is one of the qualifications. There will not be any check on your credit rating, or your employment. Anyone can get one of these credit cards, but you will need to deposit a cash amount equal to the credit limit you want. This lets you know that it operates on a debit basis - no actual credit is given.

Get A Card That Reports To A Credit Bureau

Not many prepaid credit cards actually report to a credit bureau. That is, however, the kind of card that you want to get. While others make having cash handy, it really will not help you (or anyone with bad credit) in the long run.

Watch The Fees

Prepaid credit cards often come with a number of fees. You should compare one card with another in order to get the fewest fees. In order to get a prepaid credit card that reports to a credit bureau, you will probably have to pay an annual fee - could be as high as $100.

Look For Benefits

Most prepaid cards do not come with any benefits, but some do. You can get points, like on a regular credit card, that are useable for a few benefits - like free phone time, and more.

No Credit Card Abuse

Another good thing about these credit cards is that you can never go over your limit, or have to pay any late fees or interest. (Hey, this is sounding better all the time). This means that if it reports to a credit bureau, that it would be impossible to get a lower score than what you may already have with this kind of card.

Easily Put Cash On Your Card

Most prepaid cards will allow you to easily put credit on it from just about anywhere. You can even put your paycheck onto it by Direct Deposit.

Use It Like A Credit Card

A number of these prepaid credit cards can be used in the same way as a credit card. You can set up automatic bill payments, purchase things online, or over the phone. If you want this feature, however, be sure that the ad says that you can do this.

Like any other credit card, you will want to compare features and fees in order to find the best prepaid credit card for your needs. While most of them are similar, the fees vary widely. Since no qualifications are needed, why not get the best?

Monday 11 July 2016

Debt consolidation loan with bad credit

Debts, Debts and more Debts? Taken lot of debts…??? Facing problem in managing your monthly payments and you budget? Or facing trouble in getting loans with bad credit?

Here is the solution – Debt Consolidation Loans with bad credit.

Debt consolidation loans are those loans, which helps you to convert all your existing debts into one single debt. In simple words you can pay off all your existing debts with the loan amount so that there remains only one single debt on you. This enables you to manage your finances more efficiently as you have to make a single fixed monthly installment rather than calculating and paying for each debt separately. These loans come at low interest rates, which make them attractive as it cuts off your monthly expenditure.

Bad credit – the word means a lot when it comes to meet your financial needs through loans. A bad credit history may even stop you from taking a loan. Bad credit occurs due to various reasons like non-payment of bills, late payments, outstanding debts, outstanding credit card bills, and other unpaid expenses.

Bad credit debt consolidation loans help you in improving your credit score with the time as when you make regular monthly payments of your debts or pay off your debts completely. It helps you to improve your credit history by reducing the number of debts you have taken.

Debts consolidation loans also help in reducing the interest payments made for existing debts. When you are paying too many debts separately they have different interest rates, which jointly add a large amount to your monthly expenditure. And if you fail to make any such payment, it adds to your bad credit score. Whereas in case of a debt consolidation loan you just have to pay on a single interest rate that is low and wouldn’t affect much to your monthly bill.

If you are having collateral to offer you can get a secured bad credit debt consolidation loan easily. As the loan amount is secured its not much difficult for this loan to be approved. The collateral reduces the risk of a lender hence the interest rate is also low

You can also apply for an unsecured debt consolidation loan for bad credit in the absence of collateral. You can even qualify for the bad credit debt consolidation loan even without security. The interest may be a little higher but this is the best option for people not having security to offer.

So if you are looking for a solution to your increasing debts and monthly bills and also want to get a relief from your bad credit history, debt consolidation loans would be an option you can rely upon.

How long will it take to gain muscles build muscle mass

There are many factors to consider when you want to know how long will it take for you to gain and build muscle mass. Questions like are you eating enough and the right nutrients to accelerate muscle growth, are you exercising correctly and regularly and do you have the genes for quick muscle growth need to be addressed.

In this article, we shall discuss whether you have the genetic make up to gain and build muscles quickly. Don’t despair if you don’t because this is only one of the several factors that determine how long will it take for you to build muscle mass.

It is certainly helpful to know your body type when you want to build muscles. By knowing your own body type, you can then plan your nutritional and exercise program to suit your specific body type to encourage muscle growth.

We shall discuss the 3 common body types and their characteristics here.

• Endomorph: You have naturally big frame body and usually have a round face, wide hips, big bones and slow metabolism. You are the type that gain weight and body fat easily. However, you also have potential for gaining muscle mass quickly. Only problem is that your muscles may be hiding under your body fat making you look big bulky and clumsy. Your six pack abs is hidden under your tummy fat is not going to show.

So you will have to build muscles and then burn off the fats to reveal your muscle definition. That means you will take slightly longer time than the next body type to show off your muscle gain and mass because you need time to cut away body fats as well.

• Mesomorph: You are blessed with a naturally muscular body and have wide shoulders, small waist, athletic body frame structure, low body fat with a somewhat high metabolism. With your natural predisposition, you can pack on muscles real fast and are the type that can take up bodybuilding as a career if you want to. You excel naturally in sports and will always have that sexy and handsome body that is to everyone’s envy.

You are the type that will not take a long time to see your muscle gaining size, mass and definition. In fact, if you train, eat and rest correctly, you will visibly see your muscles growing week after week right before your eyes until you hit a body building plateau.

• Ectomorph: You are the skinny type with small muscles, very very high metabolism, narrow shoulders, hips and waist. You find it hard to put on weight and muscles no matter how much you eat. You will need much more greater effort than others to build muscle mass on your skinny frame. People call you the hard gainer.

You will take a longer time and need extra effort to gain muscle mass. Although it can be done, it is a constant battle for you because you are fighting what nature has given you.

Most people fall in between the three types. For example, a person can be a mixture of Mesomorph and Endomorph or Mesomorph and Ectomorphs.

Now that you have identified your body type, you can then write down your goals, objectives and the methodology you wish to take to gain muscle mass. By having a specific body building program to follow, it allows you to take concrete actions each day to achieve your muscle gain goals. How long will it take to build muscles and gain muscle mass certainly depends on the body type you have but it will also depend on numerous other factors.

Sunday 10 July 2016

Wonder medicine and the best conqueror

The pretty young croupier observed her matured customer and gave him a hand. The expensive casino only catered for the more astute visitant, which is why she had taken the job. She was anxiously looking out for an elderly benefactor – after all if Anna Nicole Smith could reach that objective, why not she? On the other hand she was resolute to know someone she truly liked the appearance, the thought of smiling and thinking on it every time was silly. So she talked to and flirted with all the 123regulars, customers, clients, clientelesometimes fended off unwelcome offers from the riskier type of old guys. For a gold digger, she was definitely scrupulous!

after some weeks the accurate sponsor arrived at her table: he was neat, had radiant eyes and didn’t immediately start drooling at the sight of her slender curves and body-hugging slinky shirt. Actually, he was the perfect gent, alert to avoid touching her by accident and asking questions that showed a real attention on her life. She believed that she had met her objective – he was old rich kind and he wanted to date with her – she couldn’t desire more.

Months passed and he continued to visit only her table but he never dared to advance more. She was starting to feel disappointed could she do anything else? Not only that but she was really beginning to enjoy his company and look forward to his appearances – was she feeling attracted by him?

She decided to catch his attention and one night offered him a drink after work. He stayed late to share a drink but she noticed a note of insecurity in his eyes, perhaps he had figured out her objective of finding a supporter!

On the night she dressed to surprise him and he was clearly smitten but only kissed her purely at the end of the night. She was feeling a desire that surprised her but he chuckled when she tried to caress him under the table…

“I am a matured guy," he smiled. “I can't face what you wish any more," he looked depressed as if he was remembering long forgotten memories of clandestine lovers. “My time is up.”

She felt very disappointed and realised without delay that it was no longer his money she craved but his company and touch.

She remembered that her father had experienced erectile dysfunction when he had been ill (they were a very talkative family!) and gave him some recommendations. He explained that generic viagra or generic cialis had eased off his impotence. She dashed off to order some on her personal computer, just searching for generic viagra and generic cialis in Firefox. Lots of websites appeared and in no time she had packs of generic cialis and generic viagra in the post.

The next weeksurprised but glad she reserved a room in the casino’s hotel and awaited her guest. He came but explained that it was too painful to see her and that he was not coming back…. What a terrible situation!

She asked him to come to her room for a farewell drink and he sadly agreed.

she poured some champagne and told him that she had found a way for them to be together and handed him the generic cialis lozenge. Taken aback he took one and they canoodled, chatted and sipped their champagne until, within an hour he felt something that he hadn’t experienced for a long while.

Needless to say – they shared the best sex of their lives!

Everything about arthritis

One in three adult Americans suffer from some form of arthritis and the disease affects about twice as many women as men.

Arthritic diseases include rheumatoid arthritis and psoriatic arthritis, which are autoimmune diseases; septic arthritis, caused by joint infection; and the more common osteoarthritis, or degenerative joint disease. Arthritis can be caused from strains and injuries caused by repetitive motion, sports, overexertion, and falls. Unlike the autoimmune diseases, osteoarthritis largely affects older people and results from the degeneration of joint cartilage. Other forms are discussed below.

Arthritic joints can be sensitive to weather changes. The increased sensitivity is thought to be caused by the affected joints developing extra nerve endings in an attempt to protect the joint from further damage.

Signs and symptoms

All arthritides feature pain, which is generally worse in the morning and on initiating movement, and resolves in the course of time. In elderly people and children, the pain may not be the main feature, and the patient simply moves less (elderly) or refuse to use the affected limb (children).

When faced with joint pain, a doctor will generally ask about several other medical symptoms (such as fever, skin symptoms, breathlessness, Raynaud's phenomenon) that may narrow down the differential diagnosis to a few items, for which testing can be done.

Arthritis and fever together are pointers towards septic arthritis (see below). This is a medical emergency, and requires urgent referral to a rheumatologist.


The various types of arthritis can be distinguished by the pace of onset, the age and sex of the patient, the amount of (and which) joints affected, additional symptoms (such as psoriasis, iridocyclitis, Raynaud's phenomenon, and rheumatoid nodules), and other clues.

Blood tests and X-rays of the affected joints are often performed to make the diagnosis. X-rays can show erosions or bone appositions.

Screening blood tests: full blood count, electrolytes, renal function, liver enzymes, calcium, phosphate, protein electrophoresis, C-reactive protein and the erythrocyte sedimentation rate (ESR). Specific tests are the rheumatoid factor, antinuclear factor (ANF), extractable nuclear antigen and specific antibodies whenever the ANF is found to be positive.


Treatment options vary depending on the precise condition, but include surgery, and drug treatment, reduction of joint stress, physical and occupational therapy, and pain management. There are also numerous herbal remedies that purportedly treat arthritis, including Harpagophytum procumbens. For specifics, see the articles on the individual conditions listed below.

In March 2005, researchers at Harvard Medical School and Brigham and Women's Hospital in the USA found that a diet rich in oily fish raised the body's production of an anti-inflammatory fat, and may thus reduce the effects of arthritis. According to their study published in the Journal of Experimental Medicine, this diet worked best when combined with low aspirin doses.

Breaking down and analyzing your design

What a graphic designer usually does is to mix all the basic ingredients to reflect a particular mood or style in any color printing ad they create. The fonts, the graphic images, the design as well as the color – all of these elements are combined to come up with an ad that would definitely get your target readers’ attention.

And it all boils down to what your readers feel and say about your ad. It’s all about their reaction and impression on the style you chose for your ad, as well as the way you conveyed your message to them.

That’s your design palette – where you mix altogether your elements to draw your readers into your ad. It may be the subtle type where your readers are drawn to your design with no effort at all. The design is so simple and subtle that your readers won’t even realize that they’re into your ad already. The other one, the more aggressive type, is more obvious, as the design usually directs your attention to the key message. There’s nothing to distract or confuse your readers from what is really important, which is your message.

If you choose to apply the more aggressive style in your design, first of all, you need to provide a typeface that is ‘clean, readable, and with quiet strength’ as another designer would suggest. This means that your choice of font does its job efficiently, and yet it doesn’t overshadow all the other elements in your ad. And remember that when you want to put a lot of information in your color printing campaign, be sure to include a distinctive typeface that is neutral as it easily packs your details in a small space without making it look busy and disorderly.

In terms of your colors, by putting a limit to your use would ensure that you provide subtleness to your design and draw your readers’ attention to the ideas and concepts that you would want to be emphasized. This is particularly true with your photographs. If you want to show a certain concept on that, you’re better off limiting your color use.

Your photos and images also provide your readers with the idea you would want to convey. Depending on different design factors such as layering, opacity, and transparency, you can make your images look more dramatic and striking.

The bottom line is that you include that extra attention to the details of your design. It doesn’t matter whether you want it subtle or straight-forward. What would make your ad effective are the features and factors you add in your size, color, in your choice of image and photos, and so forth.

Home based internet marketing business-tips for finding the best opportunity to profit from home

Starting a home based internet marketing business is one of the most exciting adventures you will ever embark on. For many people, the idea of starting a home base business signals the dream of financial and personal freedom, escaping the rate race, and living the life they’ve always wanted to.

Unfortunately, only a few people ever achieve significant success, or even a full time income with their home based business. There are many reasons for this, but probably one of the biggest is that most people just aren’t willing to take the necessary action to make a fortune from home.

That’s a shame, because it really is very easy to make an executive level income from home and more when you know the right activities to engage in. The activities themselves aren’t even that hard; they are just something you need to be sure to set aside time every day to do. That’s something that most people will never do. If you take consistent action every single day towards achieving your dream income, you will get there faster than you ever thought possible.

For the rest of this article, I’m going to go into the nuts and bolts of exactly how to get stared making money from home, but remember, no matter which opportunity you ultimately decide to go with, the key to success is to simply take action every day towards achieving it, whether you feel motivated and inspired or not. Here are some tips to help you become ultra successful with your home based internet marketing business.

Internet marketing success will obviously mean something different to each person you speak with; however, there are certain parameters that can help anybody make it big from home, no matter what kind of internet business they run.

Internet marketing is currently one of the most rapidly growing marketing strategies in the world today. While there are certainly many exclusively internet marketers popping up, many traditionally offline businesses are using online medial to significantly boost their sales.

Internet marketing, remember, is nothing more than a media to sell products and services. The most popular strategies to generate traffic to your website generally consists of pay per click (PPC) advertising, banner advertising, e-mail marketing, search engine marketing (SEM), search engine optimization (SEO), blog marketing, and article marketing.

Affiliate Programs is essentially the internet marketing equal of the commissioned sales person. Every time an affiliate of a certain product makes a sale, they get paid a commission of the total price.

On some occasions, they even get paid the entire dollar amount, because the product owner plans on making money with the back end. Merchants generally experience a big sales explosion with the aid of an affiliate program, because there are many more people advertising their program than just themselves.

Just about anybody can become an affiliate, even if they don’t have a website oftentimes. The merchant gives out the specific links, which also include tracking so the product owner can keep tabs on who’s making the sales.

Therefore, if you own a product and want to increase your sales, you should definitely implement an affiliate program to drive more traffic to your site and increase your sales. If you don’t have a product, however, or even a website in many cases, an affiliate program is a great way to start earning immediate income while you are working on your product.

Once you are ready for other opportunities, simply read home business opportunity reviews to find the best ones to make you money. However, I recommend you start out with affiliate marketing and get some positive cash flow going. No, you won’t make as much with as if you owned your own product, but until you develop your product to sale, you certainly will make more than enough to support you in your home based internet marketing business endeavors.