Sunday 3 July 2016

What you need to know about ezine advertising

By far the most effective and cost-effective way of advertising, especially for a new business is ezine advertising. It has 4 distinct advantages…

a. It's easy to reach targeted prospects

b. It gives results fast. Typically, you should see results within 72 hours after your ad is published.

c. It's easy to test your ad effectiveness

d. It's easy to calculate your Return on Investment (ROI)

Most direct mail companies charge several hundred dollars per thousand mailing, whereas ezine advertising costs anywhere from five ten dollars to fifty dollars per thousand. This is definitely much more cost-effective

compare to advertising in magazines.

Although it is generally true that response rates to ads is better with higher subscriber count, there are exceptions where smaller subscriber lists yield higher returns. Because these subscribers are 100 percent opt-ins. Also these ezines in mention are highly informative and don't have too many ads per publication. The chances of your ads being read are very high. The click through rates will be good if your ads are relevant to

the ezine content.

3 types of Ezine Ads

There are basically 3 types of Ezine ads namely, Classified ads, Sponsor ads and Solo Ads.

1.Classified ads – This is the cheapest form of ezine advertising. Some publications offer free ads in exchange for your subscription. The ads are grouped in the middle or end of the publication.

2.Sponsor Ads – The ads are placed at the top of the publication. They cost more than classified ads but more effective than classified ads.

3.Solo Ads – These are mailed out separately from the main ezine. This is the most effective of the three types of ezine ads but also commands a premium.

Quick Guide to Ezine Advertising

1.Before you placed your ads, check out the quality of the prospective publication. Select three good ezines and subscribe to them. From the publications you would know what kind of audience these ezines are targeting, the content, and the number of ads per publication, which are crucial to your advertising campaign.

Pay close attention to the ads that run in each issue. If you see the same ad on a regular basis, chances are the ad is profitable for the advertiser. It is common sense that advertisers will continue to advertise in an ezine only if it is profitable.

If someone else is already promoting a similar product like yours in a particular ezine, give it a miss. It makes no sense to have two advertisers competing in one ezine. In any case, the publisher may not permit similar products.

2.Keep your ads short. Normally, the publisher will allow 5 to 7 lines of text with a maximum of 65 characters per line. Don't sell your product or service in your ads. Generate interest and leads.

3.Write compelling headlines to draw readers.

4.Use your ads to direct prospects to your landing page, which may be a sales copy, course sign-up or ezine subscription.

5.Track response to your ads. This is crucial. Or you will have no idea if it is profitable to run the same ad again. In order to test the effectiveness of your ad, it is advisable that you run the same ad in at least 3 ezines. If you run your ad in only one ezine, and should campaign flop, you will not know whether the problem lies in your ad or ezine.

Due to recent popularity of ezine publishing, and depending on the publication, the lead-time can take anywhere from a few weeks to months. Factor in the lead-time if you have a time sensitive offer.

Test your ads with low-subscription ezine that don't have a long waiting list. You don't want to wait in line for a few months just to test out your ad, and imagine if it turned out to be a bummer. Advertise with low-cost, low subscription count ezines for a start. Until you have a proven winner, keep to low-cost, low-subscription ezines.

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