Wednesday 10 February 2016

Weight watchers weight loss strategies my top 10

Recently I hit my goal weight and moved to the Weight Watchers Maintenance Program. I've been thinking about it a lot as I continue to do my best to follow the program, and wondering how it is I was able to lose nearly 33 pounds in 8 months. So, I decided to write my Top 10 Strategies. I'll list them Dave Letterman style.

Top 10 Weight Watchers Weight Loss Strategies That Worked for Me

10. I make sure to have lots of 1 and 2 point treats in the house. I work at home and I've learned that I like to snack and nibble during the day so it's important to have low point treats available so I don't feel guilty.

9. I let other people know (my friends, family and colleagues) what I'm working on so they can support me and give me kudos when I succeed.

8. I share my success and challenges on a blog ( slim-people. com). This has been a great outlet for me to focus myself on what I need to keep doing, reading and thinking about in order to stay on track.

7. I use the Weight Watchers online etools. I'm a nut for details so the online program is great for me. I work at home and sit in front of a computer all day. It's no problem for me to add my food immediately to the online points tracker. I also enter my weight every Saturday after my weekly Weight Watchers meeting. I get an immediate visual representation of how I'm going as I view the graph.

6. I attend the weekly Weight Watchers meetings without fail. I think in 8 months I've only missed two due to being out of town on business and unable to get to a meeting. Though, when I know I'm going to be out of town, I will usually at the very least go the day before and weigh in.

5. I weigh and measure my food. I learned quickly that what my eye thinks is 2 ounces usually is a lot more. I'm not consistent about this but more often than not I do weigh or measure what I'm eating and drinking.

4. I track my points. I write down what I eat. I hear Flora in my head saying, "You bite it, you write it." I've learned that when I slack off from writing everything down, I either don't lose or I gain weight that week. Again, my eyes are not a good judge of quantity.

3. I work out 4 times per week. Before Weight Watchers I took Pilates classes 3 times per week. Though I was getting stronger, I was not losing weight. In fact I was gaining weight due to hormones, a sedentary job and eating too much. I switched to 2 days of Pilates and 2 days of cardio workout. I started the cardio workout the same day I joined Weight Watchers and I know it has make a big difference. Last week I even started walking to my Pilates studio since it's only a 10 minute walk. Up until now I've been driving, if you can believe that.

2. I have a buddy. My dear friend and I joined Weight Watchers together, as well as joined the gym together. We go to the meetings together. We work out 2 times per week together. We talk about food and how we're doing all the time. We evangelize about Weight Watchers. Without my buddy I don't think I would have stayed with the program. No, I know I would not have stayed with the program.

1. And number 1. I made the decision to join Weight Watchers. I had heard a lot of success stories about Weight Watchers and after putting on 30 pounds over the course of 3 years, I decided it was time to take action. I had been telling myself it was age and hormones that contributed to the weight gain and that may be partly true, but I had to take action and do something so I could feel good about myself, my body and my health.

That's it. There are probably more things that could be added to this list. Now my challenge goal is to maintain for 6 weeks and get to Lifetime Member.

Oh, I just remembered one more thing I did. I read an article, I think on Weight Watchers Online, about rewarding yourself when you do well. So I set up a savings account and deposited $10 every time I lost a pound. I call it the "Pamper Me" account. Now, I will add $10 every week I maintain my weight. Then, eventually, I'll do something wonderful to pamper myself!

Good luck and best wishes to you in your journey to weight loss!

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