Tuesday 2 February 2016

Eating out can be dangerous for those with a food allergy

For those who suffer any type of food allergy eating at a restaurant, or even eating at someone else’s home can be can be like taking their lives into their own hands. Symptoms of food allergies can range from mild rashes to life threatening anaphylactic reactions. Ingesting even a small bit of the food that causes an allergic reaction can be deadly for the allergy sufferer.

Foods that most commonly trigger an allergic reaction include shellfish, fish, peanuts, tree nuts, soy, wheat, milk and eggs. Since such a small amount of these substances are required to start a serious allergic reaction those who live with food allergies have to be very careful where they eat and what they eat.

There are various ways the ingredients that cause allergic reactions can sneak into the food we eat every day even if we try to avoid them. The following are some things you should take into consideration if you suffer a food allergy.

If you have an allergy to milk, be sure the person who cuts your meat at the deli hasn’t previously used to machine to cut cheese as this cheese residue may find its way into your meat. Also, check your food labels carefully for the ingredient in case this is a milk derivative.

Finally, some restaurants use butter in their marinade for steaks. If you suffer with a milk allergy, be sure to request they skip the butter when cooking your food.

For those who suffer peanut allergies, you already know how hard it can be to avoid peanuts or peanut oils. There are many times when peanuts are reflavored and passed off as a different type of nut. Be sure you always read product labels carefully.

Also, sunflower seeds may also be processed on the same equipment as peanuts meaning the seeds may contain some peanut oil residue. When eating out, be aware that any type of ethnic food may contain or be contaminated with peanut oils. It is always better to pass on a particular food than suffer a life threatening reaction.

Allergies to fish and shell fish are also common. If you suffer these types of allergies, it is best to stay away from steak sauce as well as some Caesar dressings as they may contain anchovies, a type of fish.

Again, read food labels carefully before eating anything suspicious. When dining in a restaurant that serves fish, inform the waitperson of your allergies so that special precautions can be taken to keep you from getting sick.

Since soybeans and soy-based products have become so popular in American foods, it is difficult to remove this food from your diet entirely. If you suffer from an allergy to soy products, be sure you know the foods you are eating are soy-free.

Since such a variety of foods contain this ingredient, however, you may find it difficult to eat a healthy diet and avoid soy. You may want to consult a dietician for advice on how to handle your allergy and still eat a healthy diet.

In order to keep from suffering a dangerous allergic reaction, it is important to keep in mind that your allergen may be hiding in the least expected places. Be aware of these hidden sources of allergy-causing foods. If you suffer a food allergy being vigilant can save your life.

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