Saturday 6 February 2016

Seo - page design that is bad seo

One of the main principles of making profits from search engine optimization techniques is to make your site as "user friendly as possible." The more well thought out that your web site pages are in these little ways, the more functional they will be considered to be by both people and search engines and your ranking will rise in the search engine pages.

The following are the kinds of errors that cause customers to feel contempt as opposed to respect for you and your business.

•Typos and errors in spelling on single web pages. If you would make errors there, the customer starts thinking you would make errors when it comes to commercial transactions as well.

•Banners and pop ups blinking all over the front page. Try and keep your affiliates to pages at the back of the site, so your customers don't feel like they are being "snowed" with offers. If you have too many banners the search engine spiders may even read all of the flash as blank space.

•Links that don't work when you click on them. Broken links can cause everyone to ignore you.

•Image or logos or icons that look like they should lead to somewhere else on the site but don't! .

•Back browser buttons that don't allow them to return to a previous page. If a customer enters her credit card number wrong she should be able to press the back button and correct her error without losing all of her input information.

•Lousy navigation. Make sure your shoppers can pick the object, click and then be presented with a menu. For instance a shopper who clicks on books should be presented with a full list of options so that she can find the book she is looking for --example fiction books, non-fiction books or address books.

Keeping your menu lists organized and your pages logically sequenced will ensure that you establish faith and loyalty to you from your customers as well as allow your site to be easily indexed by search engines.

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