Tuesday 31 May 2016

Shakira la diva latina

Shakira Isabel Mebarak Ripoll naciу en 1977 en Colombia y desde los aсos 1990 en Latinoamйrica, y desde los 2000 en los Estados Unidos se ha convertido en una gran figura de la mъsica latina con estilo oriental que la destaca entre los demбs artistas.

Ella es una exitosa cantante, escritora, instrumentalista, productora de discos y bailarina la cual ha logrado atraer los oнdos y corazones de la millones de jуvenes y no tan jуvenes que disfrutan de su mъsica original, creativa y rebelde.

Sus lнricos son originales ya que escribe poesнas inusuales en las cuales incluye frases como:"Tu mordiste la manzana y renunciaste al paraнso, y condenaste a una serpiente, siendo tu el que asн lo quiso."

Logra producir rimas de una forma ъnica que solo ella conoce y a su vez en sus versiones en ingles que comenzу en el 2001, logro adaptar su propio estilo sin problema de idioma.

Su primer disco en ingles se llama "Laundry Service" (Servicio de Lavanderia) convirtiйndose en un hit impresionante con el cual gano la mayorнa de sus 10 Grammys ganados hasta ahora. Las canciones mas conocidas de aquel disco don "Underneath Your Clothes" (debajo de tu ropa) y "Whenever, Wherever" (Suerte) fueron los mas populares. Su mъsica incluye tiene un estilo de Pop con Oriental, Tango, Latino y otros nuevos ritmos originales.

Fijaciуn Oral Vol 1 and 2, fue su siguiente бlbum que saco con Alejandro Sanz la canciуn "Tortura", con Wyclef Jean "Hips don't Lie" y luego con Vellones "Beautiful Lie" otro gran йxito.

Shakira tiene un origen descendiente catalбn-Italiano mezclado con catуlico Libanйs, la cual la caracteriza por tener un estilo oriental, latino que ha logrado obtener a lo largo de su popularidad que la diferencia de cualquier otro artista.

Shakira escribiу su primer poema llamado "La Rosa de Cristal" a los cuatro aсos y siguiу escribiendo poemas que luego se convirtieron en canciones. A la edad de 8 cuando su hermano fue matado en un accidente de motocicleta Shakira escribiу su primera canciуn llamada "Tus Gafas Oscuras".

Su personalidad por su puesto es expresada en sus lнricos y poemas, asн es como tambiйn polнticamente mantiene opiniones bastante polйmicas como comentarios "anti-israelнes" salidos en alguna entrevista en la radio resaltando su origen libanйs frente al conflicto en medio oriente.

Tu actual novio, futuro marido es Antonio de La Rua, hijo del previo Presidente de la Republica Argentina, quien no es exactamente querido por la poblaciуn Argentina. A pesar de sus decisiones personales, su йxito como cantante y bailarina sigue siendo un hit y aplaudido por Sudamйrica, Estados Unidos, Espaсa y demбs paнses.

Su estilo puede ser comparado al de Alanis Morisette, pero con una sensualidad y habilidad de bailar Belly Dance, que la destaca de las demбs cantantes. Lo que la ha ayudado a despegar en el mundo Internacional fue cuando saco su disco MTV Unplugged, "Donde Estбn los Ladrones" en 1999 el cual llego a las casas de millones de jуvenes en Estados Unidos e Europa.

Monday 30 May 2016

How to bet on the superbowl

Since the SuperBowl is the last game of the season you have an advantage that you do not have during the beginning of the season.

With 2 weeks to go till the SuperBowl we know that the Indianapolis Colts and the Chicago Bears will be the ones representing their divisions in the biggest game of the year.

Many people like to bet on sports to make them more exciting, and the SuperBowl is no exception. It is common for many offices to have a SuperBowl Pool, and it is very common for friends to bet on the outcome of the game with each other, it just increases the fun of watching the game, but how do you know who to bet your money on?

There is no guaranteed way to know who will win without cheating, but comparing the states can help in making an informed decision.

There are many things to take into account:

Some teams have a great passing game; some teams are strongest on the run, so you have to look at whom are they playing and what is there defense best against. If you have a team that has a great running back, and the defense is weak against the run then that is a definite advantage to the team that likes to run the football.

The location of the game is also important the SuperBowl is always played in a Domed stadium so the weather is not usually a major factor in the SuperBowl but, if the stadium has Astroturf as apposed to real grass then that can effect a team, lets say one team has turf in their home stadium and he other team has grass, then this can be an advantage to the team who has turf.

The physical and mental state of the players must also be taken into account before placing a bet on the SuperBowl or any sporting event. Come the playoffs many teams have players on the injured list, but many players will try to come back for the playoffs to help their team, but often this backfires because they may not be playing at 100% and can re-injure themselves so that they are playing hurt during the big game. This means they will not be playing at their best, and this gives an advantage to the opposite team.

The mental state of the players can affect a players even more then an injury can. If a player is playing hurt he still has his head in the game, but a player with marriage or financial problems is not concentrating on the game, they may be thinking of their own problems. This can cause a player to drop balls or make stupid mistakes.

After researching all these issues you will start to form a picture in your head of who is the better team going into the SuperBowl, and this will allow you to make an educated guess as to who will win. Remember this guide will only help improve your odds of winning they are not a guarantee that you will pick all the winners.

Sunday 29 May 2016

Science fair project on testing drinking water

You are intelligent enough to know that the purpose of most science fair projects is to teach students how to use scientific methods to solve problems on their own. A science fair project can allow students, parents, and teachers to make new discoveries together. One of those discoveries might be how clean your drinking water is.

Students may expect faucet water to be clean, but is it? A science fair project on testing drinking water can help them learn what is in the water they use. This outline will help them and you conduct a drinking water test.

State Your Hypothesis

A good example might be, “If I test drinking water from different sources, which will I find to be the best for my health?” A poor example would be, “If I drink tap water, what happens?”

Background Research

Learn all that you can about what water may contain. Research the effects of various contaminants, minerals, etc.

Develop a Drinking Water Test

What kind of drinking water test will you use? What kinds of drinking water will you test? Will you buy a kit, or simply order appropriate test materials? How will you collect the water to be sure you do not change its content?

What You Need for Drinking Water Tests

Students will need Colorimetric test strips for many drinking water tests. Kits are available from science fair websites. Water Safe Drinking Water Test is an EPA standardized, laboratory certified simple kit that identifies harmful levels of 8 different common contaminants in water: bacteria, chlorine, lead, nitrates, nitrites, pesticides, pH, and water hardness.

Predict Results

Write out a prediction of what you expect. Will your city tap water be the best water for your health? Should your family pay money to drink only bottled water? What do you predict your drinking water test will reveal?

Conduct Your Drinking Water Test

Students may choose from many drinking water tests. Here are a few possible tests. Younger students may want to use only one. Older students may combine a series of drinking water tests.

1. Basic: A basic drinking water test might allow students to test water for alkalinity, chlorine (both free and total), nitrate and nitrite, pH, and water hardness. What is the basic make-up of your water?

2. Bacteria: Along with a basic drinking water test, you might test for bacteria in the water. Water from a drinking fountain may show bacteria that collect on the bubbler and wash into the water.

3. City Water: What is in municipal drinking water? You can use the basic drinking water tests above, but check, too, for metals and sediment. Are corroding pipes contaminating the water?

4. Well Water: Since the government does not test private wells, there may be contaminants in the water taken from them. What might you find? Would you expect more sediment or less? Would your drinking water test be likely to find pesticides if the well is near a farm or garden where they are used?

5. Bottled Water: Is bottled water really pure? Is it better than tap water or worse? Run a drinking water test on it and see what you find.

6. Water Cooler: If your water cooler is typical, a large five-gallon bottle is turned upside down into the drinking water crock. Might there be germs on the bottle top? Will a drinking water test show up these germs?

7. Pet Water Bowl: Pet drinking water tests will show you what your pet’s water contains. The pet bowl should not be cleaned right before the test. Allowing your pet to drink from it will show whether or not the water is still pure enough for humans.

Repeat Your Drinking Water Test

A good scientist repeats tests to be sure the results are the same. You will not have accurate results if you run your drinking water test only once.


Analyze the results of your tests. Which water is purer? Which one tastes better, looks better, and smells better? From your analysis, do you think your prediction will hold up?

Arrive at Conclusions

Draw conclusions from your drinking water test. Look at all the evidence and decide what it means in regard to healthy drinking water.

1. Which water contains the fewest contaminants?

2. Which water contains the fewest bacteria?

3. Which water is best for your health?

Prepare Your Display

Decide early how the display will look and leave plenty of time to complete it. Will you have photographs? Will you have clear glasses containing water samples? How will you display used test strips?

Most science fair projects require a display board to communicate your work to others. A three-panel display board that is 36" tall by 48" wide when unfolded is standard. On your board, include these elements.

1. Title: Make it catchy – and big enough to read from across a room.

2. Hypothesis and research: Organize your information from top to bottom, left to right, as though you were planning a newspaper page. Put Hypothesis and research information on the left side of your board.

3. Materials and procedures: Place this information just under your title in the middle of the board.

4. Data / Charts / Photos: These go at the bottom of the center part of your board.

5. Results and conclusions: The right side of your board holds the final information about your drinking water test.

A science fair project on testing drinking water can be interesting and exciting, appropriate for any age student. The results may surprise everyone.

What is sport karate part 1

What is Sport Karate?

Fighting Divisions

In today’s terminology, Sport Karate (or Sport Martial Arts) is the application of competitive martial arts in a sporting environment, and has been around for a few decades.

The two main categories/divisions of competition are Fighting and Forms, with this article focusing on the Fighting category. Part 2 will focus on the Forms category.

Within those two categories, there are various areas of competition – such as weapon forms, musical forms, team forms, team fighting, continuous fighting, and many more divisions (depending what sanction an athlete competes in). Sport Martial Arts is quickly evolving as competitors continue to push the envelope of what people are physically capable of doing. This not only has increased the level of competition, but also allows martial art athletes to be more innovative in their traditional and competitive training.


MA athletes that compete in fighting have implemented new fighting techniques and moves that were previously only seen in boxing and other arts, along with training habits of professional mainstream sports players. This has heighten the level of fighting, and made the sport more exciting to watch and be apart of.

All of the various divisions at a Sport Karate tournament are broken up into age categories and levels of martial art experience to even out the competition. Age groups vary from event-to-event, but experience is usually the same. Less then 1 year is considered a beginner, 2 – 3 years is intermediate, 3 or more years is advanced and Black Belts are segregated from all other under belts (non-black belts).

Fighting division can be pictured as tennis matches, except they are not as lengthy. Matches are usually 2 to 3 minutes long and the winner is determined by either total points scored (first one to 5) or whoever is ahead in points when time runs out. Ties are sent into sudden death overtime – first person to score, wins. Keep in mind these rules do not apply to every Sport Karate sanction.

Typical matches are single elimination with no opportunity to fight again unless a competitor makes it to the quarterfinals (the loser, will compete for 3rd and 4th place). Winners of their respected division, as in Forms, sometimes have the opportunity to compete for an Overall Grand Champion against other division winners.

Will I get hurt? Well, you are fighting another person, so chances are you’ll end up with a bruise or two at the end of a match. But Sport Martial Arts wouldn’t have gained the popularity it currently has if athletes kept on getting injured. Almost all sanctions require the athletes to wear protective gear to prevent injury and judges are always close by to monitor the match. Think of a sanction as a league, there are different types and different levels. Be sure you know what the rules of a particular sanction are before you join to ensure it is the type of competition you’re looking for.

To see part 2 of this article, go to experiencemartialarts. com, click on "Learn More" and look in the "Sport Martial Arts" section.

Social marketing means higher sales conversions

In this new frontier of SOCIAL MARKETING, you can spike your traffic FAST, and if you do it right, you get LONG TERM search engine traffic too. It's really the best of both worlds. Free traffic and higher search engine rankings!

Plus! Higher Conversions

Here's the final key ingredient... and that's the fact that social marketing means that the huge flood of EXTRA traffic you are going to get on your site is already PRE-SOLD. You already have a relationship with them... and they are going to convert into customers at a rate you haven't seen since your grandmother visited your lemonade stand when you were a kid.

It's this simple... people like to buy from people that they already know, like, and trust. And your social marketing campaign will give you the kind of presence so that people already KNOW you, LIKE you, and TRUST you before they even hit your web site. It's not rocket science.

In a recent test performed by a well respected marketing analysis firm MarketingExperiments. com, a site that runs online tests and records the results in their newsletters. They recently concluded a 12-month test where they measured the results of social marketing versus buying paid traffic to a series of 4 sites.

Here is what they found…

Using social marketing, they were able to generate over 93,000 visitors to their sites, paying an employee to do the social marketing work for a total of $3600 during that time, resulting in a total cost per visitor of 4 cents.

Then they ran a one month test driving traffic from Google AdWords. Using that strategy, they obtained 2,057 visitors after investing $1,250 in click costs, resulting in a cost per visitor of 61 cents. Four 4 cents versus 61 cents - social marketing yielded a 1,427% better return on their investment. Not bad!

By now I'm sure that you're foaming at the mouth, wanting to dive in and take advantage of the huge opportunity that Social Marketing presents.

My newest product devoted to applying the techniques of getting traffic from social networking, involves three sites that will get your social marketing off to a great start. They are MySpace, Facebook and Twitter. In my videos I show you why they work and how to set them up to get the fastest results.

There are no secrets! It’s all about creating a presence on each one, developing friends and a relationship with your friends! The rest (traffic) comes naturally when you use social networking the right way!

Saturday 28 May 2016

In put ingredients into your site

Web Design Delhi Company e-Fuzion provides the layout; colors and style of the website should be definite by the distinctiveness of the aim consumer base. Professionals similar to engineers and programmers can do well by complex apparatus and graphics but for inexpert people, it’s best to attach to the effortless ordinary system that facility with the most common browser and decision. Consumers with particular needs should not be mistreated and required adjustments must be made to the site to supply to their stress. The textual part of the website should be well divided from the design basics. In sequence may be what lures visitors to the website, but the design and layout is what makes them keep on. A reduced and hard-to-use website design may just give a basis to the sightseer to stray away apart from of the value of the content in it. Chief keywords should perfectly be included in the major headlines of the text content and secondary keywords in successive headlines. Web Design Delhi Company e-Fuzion the home page of the website should control not less than 275 words of text that offers a crunchy report of the produce and lures the consumer to further discover the site. The first paragraphs should contain the primary keywords along with the tagline or phrase. The primary and secondary keywords should comprise about 5% of the text on the homepage, used within complete and logical sentences. All the graphics should be accompanied with an alt tag that describes the graphic using the keywords. The keywords should not at all be put in the color of the backdrop text. This would be termed as keyword wadding and can get one penalized.

The first page of the website should clearly explain the ‘who-where-what’ concepts of the company. In Web Design Delhi Company e-Fuzion all the knowledge fields need to be listed along with other experience. Display pages should be avoided not only does it remove customers who may not have the compulsory software to view the site, the search engine robots don’t get any reactions from this type of propose.

On the whole the site should have a gorgeous professional look and plea to the target viewers. The graphics should be attractive the overall look of the page and routing is unplanned.

How to fix windows xp errors

Windows XP has quickly become one the most popular computer operating systems on the planet! But there exist as many errors and problems that can occur in Windows XP as there are stars in the heavens it seems...

So we're going to show you how to effectively Repair Windows XP below!

One of the best features of Windows XP is the built in repair feature!

In previous versions of Windows, repairing an operating system error usually meant formatting and reinstalling the whole operating system, resulting in loss of all of your precious data. The Windows XP repair feature won't delete your data, already installed programs, personal information or Windows settings. It just repairs the operating system...

Note: The system repair function will remove any updates you have previously installed that are not included on the CD. Any windows Drivers will also be reverted to their original XP versions, as well as some settings (network & performance settings may sometimes be reset to their defaults). It may be necessary to reactivate your Windows XP as well. When finished, you will have to download all of the updates from Microsoft Windows Update, because they are all replaced during repair.

Why would you ever want to reinstall Windows XP?

1. Can't start Windows XP in safe mode.

2. You have problems caused by a recently installed system update (Windows Update, hotfix, Windows XP service pack, or Microsoft Internet Explorer update).

3. Your problems can't be solved with system restore, or you can't access system restore.

4. You've installed a new motherboard, or made other major hardware changes and need to reinstall Windows.

Of course, if you are just trying to resolve Windows XP errors and problems, and want to save yourself some MAJOR time and effort...

Repair Windows XP Installation: Step-by-step:

1: Make certain there are no known hardware issues. Windows Repair will ONLY fix software problems. Hardware issues can also cause boot problems (i. e. bad hard drive, memory, CPU, or power supply).

2: Make Sure & Backup Your Data. It's always a good idea to backup your important data before making changes to Windows XP. Don't worry, if you follow these instructions your data will be secure and there for you when the windows xp repair is completed.

3: Boot from your Windows XP CD. Insert the Windows XP CD into your computer's CD-ROM or DVD-ROM drive, and then restart your computer. When the "Press any key to boot from CD" message appears on the screen, press a key to start your computer from the Windows XP CD.

4: A blue screen will appear and begin loading Windows XP Setup from the CD.

Note: RAID/SCSI/Unsupported UDMA users:

You will be prompted to "press F6 to install any third party SCSI or RAID drivers". Most users will not have to press F6, but if you are running RAID, SCSI or unsupported UDMA controllers, then you will have to have your controller drivers on a floppy disk. If you are unsure whether you have RAID/SCSI, then simply let the CD load without pressing F6.

When completed loading files, you will be presented with the following "Windows Setup" screen, and your first option. Select "To set up Windows XP now, press ENTER". DO NOT select Recovery Console.

When presented with the End User License agreement screen. press the F8 key to continue.

Next, Windows Setup will find existing Windows XP installations. You will be asked to repair an existing XP installation, or install a fresh copy of Windows XP.

If no installations are found, then you will not be given the option to repair. This may happen if the data or partition on your drive is too corrupted.

Note: If you install a fresh copy, all data on that partition will be lost!

You are almost through! Windows XP will look like it is installing itself for the first time, but it will keep and remember all of your data and settings. Just follow the prompts, and have your CD-KEY ready if needed.

WARNING: Due to the proliferation of the Welchia, Blaster and other Worm/Viruses that are prevlanet online...be aware that a Repair Install will leave your system vulnerable. You can get infected within seconds.

Do not go on line until you have enabled XP's firewall first, and make sure and download and run the free and effective XoftSPySE Spyware remover & blocker on your PC..It is one of the best we've tested!

Don't forget to run Windows Update! (install critical updates first)

Top tourist activities in spain

History, a diverse climate, an incredible mix of cultures, and a range of activities mean that the country of Spain is one of the most visited tourist spots in the world. The diverse landscape and peoples make Spain a great destination for vacationers seeking any type of activity. Here are some ideas for things to do in Spain, based on some of the most popular activities.

Visit the Mediterranean

As the Western gatekeeper of the Mediterranean, Spain has long been known for its beautiful beaches and resorts. It is the first of the European countries to border the Mediterranean when journeying east, so it is a natural destination for people from the United States and all over the Americas. Travelers also find a lot of appeal in the warm waters of the Atlantic Ocean that border Spain on its west coast, above and below Portugal. Northern Spain in particular has been noted for its many surfing opportunities.

Country Tours

Spain is known as one of the world’s most productive agricultural countries, and tourists love to take a trip to the many vineyards and olive groves cultivated throughout the countryside. The groves of Jaen and the vineyards of Majorca are particularly popular.

Cultural Events

Any time someone thinks of Spain, they naturally think of festivals. The country is the land of the fiesta, and there are festivals to enjoy year round. Carnival is one of the most famous celebrations, celebrated throughout the country but with the biggest parties in Cadiz and Santa Cruz. The April Fair in Seville is also widely known for its flamenco dancers and its bullfighting, and all over Spain the running of the bulls is practiced each year.


Spain is the home of a rich and varied cultural history, evidenced in the many components of Spanish culture today. Spain was one of the northern most points of the ancient Islamic empire; in fact, it wasn’t until the years just prior to Christopher Columbus sailing to the New World that the forces of Allah were permanently ousted from the country. This mixed heritage is still celebrated in the Moros y Cristianos festivities in southern Spain in the springtime. As mentioned, the country is credited with funding the person who eventually was given credit for discovering the New World, and there are museums and monuments throughout the country commemorating that historical voyage.

With its varied landscapes and cultures, Spain is a country that has appeal for any tourist.

Friday 27 May 2016

Some words to remember

Sticks and stones may break my bones but words can never hurt me.

We’ve all heard this before and every time I feel that I’m being manipulated to believe that this mantra is true. But even with so many times you use it, words can do a lot of things to your emotions and feelings especially when used at the right time and moment.

As any politician will tell you, words are powerful tools to have when you want to enter politics. It can make or break your career. Your words have the power to influence people to act according to how you want them to act. How many great men have led countries to succeed with such weapons as words? In fact, words are so powerful that it can make nations rise and fall.

Similarly, your words in your print ads can help you be successful. Whether you utilize the help of the most brilliant color printing method or hire a professional commercial printing company to assist you with your marketing collaterals, your words would be the ones to get your target market to either accept or reject what you have to offer. The words that you choose to include in your print ads spell the success or failure of your marketing campaign.

Let’s take for example the word NOW. When used in your print ads, it can help you move your target audience to act immediately on your offer. You don’t tell them to procrastinate and wait for tomorrow or the next day for them to decide to go for your offer. You tell them to act NOW to get their rewards. There’s a sense of urgency in your message.

Now compare that with the word “please”. You can get a totally different reaction because you’re like allowing your target clients to mull it over, sleep on it, and absolutely help them to change their minds. With “please”, it’s like you’re trying to beg for them to consider your product and service.

So what else can you consider for your print collateral to add that extra punch to your promotional campaign? FREE for one is a very powerful word indeed. It can move even the most indifferent person to go for your ad.

Another powerful word is NEW. Everyone would want to have one to make sure that they keep their social standing.

Most significant so far is YOU. As far as your audience is concerned, they’re the most important element in your marketing campaign. You wouldn’t be in business in the first place if not for them. And mind you, they’re a selfish lot. They wouldn’t want to read anything else but the benefits that they can get from your business.

Words, when used in your marketing collaterals, can be your most powerful ally to generate leads for your business. Your words can either make your target clients to stay and learn more, or totally dump you as junk mail and go for your competition. Just remember that without words to help you, not even the brightest and most glamorous design can make your audience stick around and buy your stuff.

For more information, you can visit this page on Color Printing

The shocking truth about how to university online

In today's world, it seems that almost any topic is open for debate. While I was gathering facts for this article, I was quite surprised to find some of the issues I thought were settled are actually still being openly discussed.

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If you've picked some pointers about University Online that you can put into action, then by all means, do so. You won't really be able to gain any benefits from your new knowledge if you don't use it. accredited-university-online. com/

Bacara el preferido del agente 007

El Agente 007 y su audacia con el juego continъan deslumbrando aсo tras aсo a sus sensuales compaсeras en escena y derrotando a sus astutos enemigos.

El Bacara: El Juego preferido del clбsico James Bond: Bacarб y el Agente 007

El Bacarб es el clбsico juego de apuestas originado en Italia en el siglo 15 y es tambiйn caracterнstico del famoso espнa 007. En cada escena lo identifican una elegancia y excelencia, que junto con su impecable Martini en mano y las apuestas en otra James Bond ha mantenido una leyenda desde su origen desde los aсos 50 hasta el presente. Es asн como el espнa ingles domina la versiуn francesa del juego Bacarб llamada Chemin de Fer con gran talento y admiraciуn.

Bacara siempre fue popular entre la alta sociedad, especialmente en el siglo 15, cuando surgiу en Italia. Bacara significa cero en italiano y a lo largo de su expansiуn en diferentes paнses nuevas reglas y variaciones fueron inventadas y adaptadas como en Estados Unidos o en Francia el Chemin de Fer, o el denominado Juego de James Bond.

El juego consiste en el "Jugador" y la "Banca" el nombre que se la a las opciones de apuestas, estos son repartidos dos o tres cartas cada uno con el objetivo simple de llegar a 9 sin pasarse de el. Mientras tanto la banca decide segъn las reglas del juego cuando detener la jugada y los jugadores ya han debido apostar a cual de las dos Jugador o Banca ganara la mano. Los jugadores o el jugador apuesta y el que apuesta a la mano que gano el puntaje mas correcto, gana la mano. En la adaptaciуn americana, el juego funciona en contra a la banca, mientras que en Chemin de Fer, los jugadores compiten el uno con el otro. Uno representa al jugador y el otro a la Banca.

En compaснa del Chemin de Fer los libros de Ian Fleming junto a las adaptaciones en escena de James Bond, han deslumbrado por dйcadas las diferentes aventuras del espнa, con ayuda de su impecable poder del juego y su atractivo estilo. Hasta su ъltimo estreno en el 2006 James Bond sigue disfrutando de la lujuria de las mesas verdes de los casinos junto a su cigarro y el su sensual compaсera en acciуn. En el anio 1964, las novelas y capнtulos de James Bond, fueron escritas por Kingsley Amis, John Pearson, John Gardner, Raymond Benson, y Charlie Higson. Tambien sus actores variaron comenzando con el conocido Sean Connery, siguiendo con Geroge Lazenby, Roger Moore, Tomothy Dalton, Pierce Brosnan y Daniel Craig.

Si observas, es muy interesante ver la manera en que el Agente apuesta al juego y a su vez actъa y descubre los secretos que lo rodean con la misma rapidez, seguridad y astucia. Enlas pelнculas de James Bond el juego Chemin de Fer transcurre en elegantes salas llenas de mujeres elegantes y hombres adinerados que detrбs del juego tienen otros intereses por revelar. En la realidad el enlace entre el Bacarб y El Agente 007 es de un acompaсante fiel de aventuras secretas y emocionantes de mas de cinco dйcadas que hicieron de el una leyenda inolvidable que resurge de generaciуn en generaciуn.

Thursday 26 May 2016

Road bikes reviews the giro d italia is the italy s answer to the tour de france

The Giro d’Italia has a fine history behind it, like the Tour de France it was started to publicise a newspaper, just like the Tour de France the organisers made the leaders jersey the same colour as the paper, yellow in France from the L’Auto newspaper and pink in Italy from the La Gazzetta dello Sport. The first Giro was in 1909 and was 2448 kilometres long (the shortest), split into 8 stages and was won by the Italian rider Luigi Ganna, 127 riders started in Milan, but by the finish, also in Milan, there was only 49 left, this was not the worst edition, in 1914 only 8 out of the 81 starters managed the full distance.

The winners.

Just like the Tour de France and the Vuelta a Espaсa, the Giro d’Italia always has a deserving winner, three riders have won it five times, Alfredo Binda and Fausto Coppi of Italy and the great Belgian, Eddy Merckx, Merckx of course also won the Tour de France five times and the Vuelta once. There have been many other “stars” who have won the Giro over the years, French heroes Jacques Anquetil and Bernard Hinault and from Spain Miguel Indurain have all one 5 Tours de France and the Giro more than once. The home riders have obviously been the big winners, Felice Gimondi, Gino Bartoli, Ivan Gotti, Gilberto Simoni and Paolo Savoldelli have all shown there winning ways, but the battles between Giuseppe Saronni and Francesco Moser in the 80’s are epic. The strangest rider to have taken part in the Giro d’Italia would be Alfonsina Morini Strada who is the only woman to have ridden the race, and finish!

The race itself.

The Giro has started outside of Italy on eight occasions, the furthest away being either Belgium, Greece or possibly the Dutch town of Groningen, which hosted the opening individual time trial in 2002. When the race is on Italian soil the main difficulties are usually the Alps, Dolomites and the Apennines, the Giro is in May so the big climbs can get dreadful weather, snow, rain and cold temperatures can shape the race and determine the winner.

The future of the Giro d’Italia.

The future of the Giro d’Italia looks good, since the UCI (cycling’s governing body) brought in the Pro-Tour all the top 20 teams have to ride the race, before they would only get all the Italian teams and a few foreign teams with sponsor interests in Italy, now the race is also shown free on television, where as before it could only be seen on a private station. The 2005 edition was one of the best for years, top teams, top riders and a hard course brought the race to life, for years the Giro had become a procession until the last hour, then the sprinters took over. The climbers had some good hard stages and the team leaders would do there work for the overall on the hills or the time trial, and that was it, now its one of the most exciting stage races there is from begging to end.

Get your business running with poultry loans

For much of the past century the poultry business has played an important role in the economy of many a country and districts all over the world. With growing improvements in the poultry business many a people are looking towards the poultry business but as always the important and many a times the decisive factor. Considering that for the benefits and the ease of people poultry loans have been created.

Poultry loans are loans which are offered to people who want to go into the business area which is related to the poultry and if they find themselves a little short of money they can use the poultry loans.

Poultry business is a highly specialized business and requires attention to the core. The poultry loans therefore are offered considering everything in mind and include the loan for following reasons.

• The whole poultry business operation which will cover the costs of setting up of the business.

• Loans for construction that the producer might have to undertake to set up or increase the size of your business.

• Loans for feeding needs that are an integral part of the poultry business.

• Loans for the whole day to day operating expenses which are an absolute necessity to be paid.

A person who wants to apply for poultry loans can do so by logging online and submitting the personal and business details that are required to be submitted according to the lender. The other method is that you can apply to the local loan provider who is in operation in your area. The loan decision will be made in a few days.

Once the poultry loans are offered to you it will also include the other benefits as well.

• Poultry loans that would be offered would be offered in customized packages to meet your requirements as a poultry or egg producer.

• You will also be offered the expert advice of a team which can offer you valuable advice on various topics including the vulnerable areas of the poultry business.

• You will be offered convenient service facilities which will allow you to use the poultry loans effectively.

• You can choose to take the poultry loans on your conditions as well i. e. either a secured poultry loan or an unsecured poultry loan the difference is of a security offered or not offered to the lender. You can choose the option depending on your circumstances.

Poultry business is picking up and many people are trying their hands in that seeing the potential but not everyone has enough finances to start a new venture in this field. It is for them that these poultry loans are there to be used.

Wednesday 25 May 2016

Laughter use it to pick up women

Humour, some say, is the fruit of life, and this is especially true when it comes to picking up on a girl no matter where the location. Make them laugh, and I guarantee, that you are very close to getting their phone number and even to getting them to go out with you.

But, as we all know, making them laugh, is easier said than done. Precisely for those who find it difficult to come up with something funny to say, I am adding some funny anecdotes and wise cracks that you can memorize and then use in those situations where you need to get the girl in front of you to laugh.

1) The Prescription:

Did you hear of the lady, who walked into the pharmacist and asked for arsenic?

The man behind the counter asked in wonder, "What do you need that for?

The lady calmly replied," to kill my husband."

The pharmacist was taken aback," Are you crazy? Do you want to get us both into jail? And, anyway, why do you want to kill him? Go to a counselor. Get help for your marriage."

The lady paused and from her purse she removed a set of pictures of her husband and the wife of the pharmacist in some very creative postures.

The pharmacist looked at the snaps, put them down and smiled," lady, why did you not tell me that you have a prescription?"

2) The Tip Book

A wife calls out to her husband, "Have you seen the book, 101 Tips to Live for More Than a Hundred Years?

The husband sheepishly replies, "I burnt it."

"What?" the wife shouted out," why?"

The husband whispered back," Because your mother wanted to read it."

3) Range of Food

Looking at his wife fry meat balls in all kinds of shapes and sizes, Tom tapped her on the shoulder, "Why?"

His wife turned," Because you asked for a variety of food."

4) Mushrooms

Tom was picking mushrooms from the forest floor with his wife, when she picked up one and showed it to Tom," Is this for eating?"

Tom smiled," Yes. As long as you do not cook it."

5) Driving Around

Tom greeted his wife when she returned home," So, my dear, how was your first time driving all alone?"

His wife smiled coyly, "Do you want to hear it from me or read about it in the papers?

6) Drama

A couple are watching a film in their local theater when the wife snuggles close to her husband and points to the screen," Do you think that they will get married in the end?"

The husband sighs," Yes. These movies always have bad endings."

7) The Library

Tom visited the local library, walks up to the librarian and asks, "Do you know where I can find the book, the Supremacy of Men over Women?"

The librarian conducts a short search on the computer and looks up," you will be able to find it in the science fiction."


While some of these might sound offensive, if you use them well you will be able to display not just a sense of humour, but also that you are exactly the opposite of the stereotype. How? Immediately, after you done, lean over and whisper, But I am not like that, and if you allow me to take you out, you will see that for yourself.

Une s╨тparation comme une petite mort

Il existe de ces sйparations ou l'autre cote a dйcidй que nous ne lui convenions plus et il nous l'a dit gentiment ou tout du moins prudemment. Et il existe de ces sйparations ou personne n'a prйvenu personne. Ou personne n'a demandй a personne. Et le pire c'est que cela arrive dans tous les domaines. En amour. En amitiй. Au travail. C'est certainement la vie. Toute sйparation est comme une petite ou une grande mort. Alors pourquoi souffrir et faire souffrir encore plus et se sйparer sans aucune explication ?

Je viens de me separer de mon copain. Ou pour dire la vйritй, mon copain, Alex vient de se separer de moi. J'ai mal. J'ai trиs mal. Mais il dit que c'est la meilleure chose а faire. Il dit ne plus m'aimer. Ou en tout cas ne plus m'aimer amoureusement parlant. Il est dйsole. Il a mкme pleure. Mais il prйfиre кtre sincиre avec lui-mкme et avec moi. Il ne peut pas continuer une relation dans laquelle il ne se sent plus bien. Ce n'est pas de sa faute. Ni de la mienne. C'est fini. J'ai l'impression d'кtre un peu. Comment dire ? Morte. Comme si la personne avec laquelle j ai passe dix ans de ma vie faisait йgalement partie de moi. Et je viens de me faire comment dire ? Expulser. Mais aprиs toute mort une nouvelle naissance non? je l'espиre. J'essaie de me rassurer.

Alors j'aimerais bien un peu rйflйchir a ce que reprйsente pour moi et pour nous tous je pense, ce qu'est la sйparation. Ce qu'est une fin.

Que provoque une fin ? Qu'est ce qu'elle provoque en nous ? Et surtout une fin dans laquelle nous n'avions pas notre mot а dire.

A vrai dire. J'essaie de positiver le plus possible. Alex je l'aime. Et je pense que j l'aimerais toujours. Un jour, j'aurais un autre mec et je l'aimerais aussi. Mais la, en ce moment j'ai du mal a l'avouer. Nous avons passe ensemble des moments formidables et des moments moins bons. Nous avons toujours йtй complices. Il йtait mon amoureux mais йgalement mon meilleur ami. Je pensais sincиrement que c'йtait pour la vie. Et d'ailleurs lui aussi. Mais que faire ? La vie n'est pas toujours qu'un jardin de roses.

C'est marrant parce que j'ai toujours йtй celle qui console mes amis lors des sйparations. Mais je dois le dire, je n'ai jamais pense que cela m'arriverait aussi. Depuis Alex, je pensais sincиrement que de ce cote la, je n'avais pas de quoi m'inquiйter.

Mais l'amour c'est incomprйhensible. Ca part. Ca vient. Je lui ai demande « pourquoi »?

Il m'a rйpondu « je ne sais pas. Je ne t'aimes plus je crois. Pourtant tu es ma Chloй. Tu es la meilleure. Mais peut кtre plus pour moi.

Assise sur mon lit, je pars dans des dйlires. Pourquoi il m'a quitte ? Il en a rencontrй une autre ? Je ne suis plus belle а ses yeux ? Suis-je moche ? Suis-je trop possessive ? Mais j'essaie de ne pas rйpondre а ces questions de fille et de me dire que de toute faзon je l'ai toujours dit, l'amour c'est comme le casino un jour on gagne et l'autre c'est du pur comment dire ? casino virtuel

Monday 23 May 2016

Lower your golf score - guaranteed - master the mundane

Lower your Golf Score - Guaranteed - Master the Mundane

Here is the BIG SECRET..."Master the Mundane". Say What?!! I'll probably lose most of you at this point because the "big secret" is so boring that it couldn't possibly take you from an 88 to a 75 golfer. Run for cover if you must, because after you read this article, the truth of it will dog you every time you are walking to the next tee box for the rest of your golf life (or until you accept it and act on it). I am assuming of course that you have at least a little "game" already. If you are just starting out in golf, most of this won't make much sense to you until you get good enough to have a "bad day" on the course. If you want to reach the next level of scoring, read on -- You have been warned!

Mastering the mundane is fundamental to success in any sport. In basketball, it's the layup, baseball the bunt, football block, tackle and catch. In golf, it is the dreaded "Three Foot Putt". You know the one. When you bury it to take a high dollar double press, it was a "5-footer", but when you miss it, you would have won if it hadn't been for that "16-incher" you missed on 18. Don't panic! This is not a "How to make short putts" article. There is one of those in every golf magazine on the street every week. The focus of this piece is on the benefits of making the 3-footer every time. This one skill is so critical to your game that nothing else seems to matter until this piece is in place. I am the "A" player on our foursome and we are the reigning Base Champions (and there is some pretty stiff competition). I only mention this to make this point -- I'm not very good. Our "C" and "D" players are both better golfers than I am. So why do I play "A"? Because I make 3-footers...always. During the latter stages of the playoffs (when the pressure mounts), we get to watch players with games that far out-class mine, fall to pieces because they have zero confidence in their short putting.

What I am talking about is developing a habit of making short putts. When you go to a Major Golf Tournament, what do you see Tiger and Phil etal. do when they first come out? They practice short putts. Why? Because they are easy, it calms the nerves, and putts are what is going to win the tournament when all is said and done. There are myriad techniques for making 3-footers. Some of the best are:

1. Pick a spot 8 - 10 inches in front of the ball and putt over it (hear it go in - never look up!).

2. Visualize putting to a dime instead of the hole. Say you have a right-to-left breaker; imagine a dime sitting on the front right edge of the hole and try to hit it.

3. (My personal favorite) Visualize an eight inch tube in front of your ball that you need to accelerate the ball through on its way to the bottom of the cup.

It really doesn't matter what your technique is. What matters is your mindset when you stand over the putt. You must develop the ability to eliminate all else from your mind except negotiating the golf ball those few feet to the bottom of the cup. It is a prerequisite that you have the ability to make these putts with regularity. Devote the (BORING) time on the putting green knocking down 3-footers until you can make 30, 40, or 50 in a row. You need to have this muscle memory in place for the rest of the strategy to work. Once this is accomplished, the real magic can begin.

Keep a putter in your office and/or at home. It doesn't have to be your "Billie Barue". Any old cheapie will do, because what you are attempting to achieve is 100% mental. Don't stand there and bang away at it for hours. That won't do you any good. Your goal is to be able to stop what you are doing, and achieve 100% intense focus on your putting routine; under any circumstances, under any conditions, and at any given time. When things are hectic at work, pick up the putter, take a deep breath, and sink a 3-footer. If the kids are making you nuts or the telemarketers ruining your evening, pick up the putter, take a deep breath, and sink a 3-footer. YOU ONLY GET ONE CHANCE. NO DO OVERS! If you miss it, take a second to consider why. Chances are you didn't clear your mind and focus on the task at hand. It is the act of stopping to figure out why you lost focus and missed the putt that will revolutionize your short game.

Pretty soon you will develop a habit of "immediate focus". (I'm sure somebody else said that already but I like to tell myself I made it up). The putter and the entire process of relaxing, focusing, and draining that putt will become like a security blanket to you. What strikes fear into the hearts of your opponent on the course, will become your safety valve (your "happy place" according to Chubbs). No matter how badly things are going with your swing or short irons, that 3-footer will be like coming home to relax after a hard days work. Imagine never having to be "iced" by your opponent sinking a 12-footer (when you need to make a short one to tie). How many golfers do you know breath a huge sigh of relief when their chip shot leaves them a 3-footer for par? Trust me... it makes your opponent nuts.

The advantages of having ultimate confidence in your short putting game are too numerous to list but here are just a few:

1. You won't have to spend time kicking yourself on the drive home for those 4 or 5 strokes you "wasted".

2. You can make smarter choices on chips and sand shots knowing you can make a little longer par putt.

3. "I just need to get up and down for par" is no longer just a euphemism. It actually means something.

4. You will make more birdies because you don't have to lag it for fear of the 3-foot "come-backer".

5. Amazing thing...those 5 and 7 footers start looking much shorter than they did before?

7. You become immune to pressure. You've trained your mind to go on "autopilot" for short putts.

The list could go on and on. The point is that if you start thinking this way and practice "immediate focus", you WILL reap the benefits in your golf game. You don't even have to "believe" for it to work. Golf season is just around the corner and if you try it, about midway through this Summer, you will realize that you are a "putting machine". Mark my words. Your golfing buds will resort to heckling you out of frustration, but that will just amp up your focus! Remember, the goal is to achieve 100% focus any time, any where, under any conditions. Give it a shot. What have you got to lose...besides 7 or 8 strokes?

Perfect wedding flowers of four seasons

Wedding flowers define the tune of a wedding. They reflect the preference of the wedding couple, highlight wedding dress, bridesmaids' dresses and bridal’s beauty, and create a loving atmosphere. When planning your wedding flowers you must consider them to be the bride’s arrangements, reflecting the spirit of her life's happiest day. From bouquets to decorations and wedding reception flowers. Many flowers are available anytime when brides seek fresh flowers, including a variety of carnations and roses, besides of gardenias, baby’s breath, snapdragons, stephanotis and ivy mainly used in wedding bouquets. The idea of choosing wedding flowers by season will make a hug difference. Most floral varieties are easily found year-round, but seasonal flowers are cheaper and easier to find, and give a seasonal and personal touch. Having a whole view of the flowers accessible throughout all seasons of the whole year may assist you to spend less money on wedding flowers and still permit you to choose the almost proper flowers for the special day.

Wedding Flowers in spring to select from are tulips, violets, greenery, daffodils, lilacs, lilies and lily of the valley, fern, pansies, peonies, ivy, dogwoods, larkspur, tasty peas, irises, forsythia branches, hyacinth,, apple or cherry blossoms.

Daisies, roses, and dahlias are perfect for wedding flowers in summertime. Calla lilies, delphinium, geraniums, hydrangeas, sunflower are few others to consider. Summer is the season of flowers, and you may choose tasty William, greenery, beech leaves, ferns, meadowsweet, Zinnias, asters, iris, larkspur, Shasta, fund,, fund and goldenrod.

Wedding arrangements are splendid in fall. They may include the mixture of both flowers and foliage. The combination of these elements is a preference of the bride who can choose from a single flower theme to combined floral arrangements with or without specific foliage any time of the year. In Autumn, Wedding flowers include asters, dried hydrangeas, roses, zinnias, statice, marigolds, chrysanthemums and gerbera daisies while the most commonly used foliage are autumn leaves, yarrow, rosemary and rosehip.

Wedding Flowers for winter include the classic poinsettias, as well as orchids, amaryllis, camellias, jasmine and forget-me-nots in addition to accents of pine, ivy, fem, spruce and rhododendron leaves, so there is no need for dried or artificial flowers as many brides still believe. Some couple prefer a warm theme of wedding flowers in winter season.

Wedding flowers not only take a large portion of the wedding budget, but also take a long time to plan ahead. This is extremely challenging for the groom-to-be, or the bride-to-be who are busy professionals. Fortunately, the Internet opened a new and convenient way for people to plan and order flowers. They planned their wedding flowers perfectly online.

Thursday 19 May 2016

5 tips on getting rid of acne

There are many different causes for acne. The complication is not in knowing why acne occurs, it is identifying the ultimate cause for each person that has it and then figuring out the appropriate treatment for the condition. There is some good news in light of all of this. That is that there are some basic acne treatments that everyone can experiment with when it comes to getting rid of acne. Here, I will share with you the most common 5 tips on getting rid of acne.

One of the first ways that you can be successful in getting rid of acne is to engage in a diet that benefits the skin, as well as your health in general. Organic foods have recently started to gain in popularity and for a very good reason. These particular foods are not processed. Furthermore, when these foods are cultivated, harmful chemicals that can prove to be toxic to your overall health, as well as the health of your skin are not used.

Examples of these toxins include herbicides, pesticides, and similar items. If you want to recover from acne, you should ensure to eat plenty of foods that are labeled Organic. Naturally, consuming a lot of foods that are green and leafy in the vegetable category is appropriate. Furthermore, fruits and nuts are also beneficial. It is also important to consume items that contain a fair amount of water.

The second way that you can get rid of acne is by ensuring that you consume ten to twelve glasses of water a day. Each of these glasses should be at least eight ounces. I know this seems like quite a bit of water, but it is a key element when it comes to purifying the body on the whole. The more water that moves through your body, the more clean and pure the inside of the body will be.

When this happens, that purification will actually spread to the outside, or the skin. This means that when impurities invade the pores of the skin, it is highly likely that the water that you have consumed will play a vital role in quickly eliminating this obstruction. As a result, you will experience fewer blemishes.

Did you know that by increasing the amount of vitamins that you ingest, you can reduce the possibility of an acne outbreak? This is the next way that you can work on getting rid of acne. All you have to do is focus on eating foods that have high levels of vitamins A, B12, B, E, B5, & B6. If you find that it is difficult sorting through the ingredients on everything that you eat or drink in order to maximize your exposure to these vitamins, you can purchase supplements.

Many elect to simply take a multivitamin every single day. Then, there are some that purchase each of these vitamins and then rotate days on taking them. However, you decide to do it, it is important to just do it! You are sure to see immediate results when it comes to how clean and healthy your skin is!

When it comes to getting rid of acne, many individuals are turning towards natural herbs. There are a number of herbs that have been found to assist in acne complications. Red Clover is an especially popular herb because of the fact that it works to purify the blood and remove toxins from the body. Then, you have other herbal remedies such as Dandelion Root, and Alfalfa. There are even Chinese Herbs like Yang Ming and Lung Heat that can prove to be beneficial.

If you have a severe case of acne, and nothing else that you have tried is successful when getting rid of it, you should consider setting up an appointment with a dermatologist. These professionals will work closely with you to determine your triggers, skin type, and what will be the best treatment option for you as an individual.


Acne is a complex skin condition that has plagued millions and millions of people all throughout history. There are many different ways that you can approach this situation. While not all are successful for everyone, there are a few out there that can help you optimize the health of your skin. Here, you have been introduced to 5 tips on getting rid of acne give them a try!

Hibiscus as garden plants

The Hibiscus genus comprises more than 200 different species. Hibiscus species are found in tropical and subtropical regions, as well as in temperate climates. It is a broad genus that contains herbaceous plants, shrubs and even small trees.

Hibiscus plants are popular in gardens and flower arrangements, since the plants produce astonishingly beautiful flowers on a tall stem. You can choose between wide range of different Hibiscus colours, including the popular red, pink, orange, violet, lavender, yellow and white variants. A Hibiscus flower can reach a size of 4-15 centimetres across and is equipped with five petals. Hibiscus leaves are toothed or lobed and have a deep green shade.

Hibiscus plants will require quite a lot of light, and a majority of the Hibiscus species origins from warm regions of the world. Most Hibiscus species will prefer to be planted where the temperature ranges from 60 to 90 degrees F during most parts of the day. These plants are tougher than many other tropical and subtropical species and will usually survive quite low temperatures as long as they are not prolonged. A cold night can for instance make the plant shed its leaves and buds, but it will survive and eventually begin to form new leaves and buds. You can keep a Hibiscus plant in areas where the temperatures drop below 50 degrees F, but these Hibiscuses will rarely flower. When it does flower, the blossoms will typically be very small and sometimes look a little weird. In a cold climate, you should not give your Hibiscus too much water since this will increase the risk of fungal infections. Temperatures below the freezing point should always be avoided.

If you take care of your Hibiscus, it will begin to produce buds. Hibiscus buds are typically big and tight. Unfortunately, Hibiscus buds are often attacked by worms and insects that can kill the entire bud. When the buds open up and begin to blossom, you can protect them from parasite attacks by regularly spraying them with water.

You can make the Hibiscus flowers last longer by providing them with water and protect them from severe heat. Heavy downpour can harm Hibiscus flowers. If the Hibiscus plant is exposed to temperatures above 95 degrees F, it can begin to drop its buds. This can sometimes be prevented by giving your Hibiscus plant a lot of water and creating some type of shade for it. The plant itself will have no problem surviving temperatures above 100 degrees F as long as it does not become dehydrated.

Pruning your Hibiscus is recommended since Hibiscus plants tend to produce flowers on their new shoots. You can cut off shoots and use in flower arrangements, but they will usually last no longer than 24 hours. If you cut off an almost opened bud you can protect it in the refrigerator until its time to use it.

Hibiscus plants needs a lot of minerals to do well, including manganese, iron and copper. Giving them some form of flower nutrition or fertilizer is therefore a good idea. Ask your florist for more specified instructions regarding your particular soil and Hibiscus species.

Wednesday 18 May 2016

Credit credit scoring

Credit scores play an incredibly important role in our lives yet few of us truly understand where they come from and how they’re calculated.

Credit scores are provided by three primary credit repositories: Experian, Equifax and Trans Union. These are basically huge databases that house credit information on almost everybody in the country. And how do they get all this information about us? Well, creditors (like credit card, automobile and mortgage companies) are always looking for information about potential clients; people like you and me. They get that information from these repositories but in exchange, they agree to provide data about all their customers back into the same databases. Almost all of your credit providers report your payment history into these databases and every time you obtain a new credit account, that account is reported under your Social Security Number.

Credit reporting in its current form is still relatively new and a lot of people, particularly in the older generations, are still unaware of all this information being held about them and their credit histories. My own parents, for example, were shocked when I told them such databases exist and the extent of information available. And it’s amazing the number of things in our lives that are affected by our credit scores, so an understanding of the things they look for when calculating our scores can be incredibly beneficial for those who want to optimize their scores.

Let’s start with a definition. What is a credit score actually trying to reflect? Well, the exact thing a credit score intends to predict is the probability you’ll have a 90-day late on a trade account within the next 24 months. That’s what they’re actually trying to predict. And as you can imagine, there are a number of things that increase the probability you’ll have such a late payment and those are the variables that make up your credit score. Now, the formulas and algorithms being used these days are incredibly complicated and they change periodically as well, so it’s impossible to lay out the exact components and their respective weights. But the basic structure is well documented and that’s what we’ll focus on here.

First, you should know that the median credit score in this country is right around 720. That means half the population has a higher credit score and other half has a lower score. It’s actually just a bit higher than 720 – about 722 is the latest I’ve heard. Pretty high, huh? It’s true. So the average person in this country has pretty darn good credit. In fact, only about 1% of the population has a score below 500. That means at least half the population should be in A-paper mortgage programs. It’s true that income and assets also play a major role in mortgage underwriting but at least from a credit perspective, most people should be in A-paper mortgage programs. Sadly, that’s not the case.

Many Mortgage Brokers gently nudge their clients DOWN the ladder of loan programs because it makes their lives easier. The guidelines are looser in what’s called "Subprime" programs so you don’t have to get as much documentation and it’s easier to get an approval. In fact, what you want is someone who’ll instinctively push you UP the ladder and try to get you into the best possible program you qualify for, even if it’s a bit more tedious. And with a 720 credit score, you’re off to a great start.

We should also mention that there are actually 10 different score cards that calculate credit scores. They’re each designed to evaluate a different set of circumstances. Are you young with only very recent credit history? If so, that’s one of the score cards and it focuses on different metrics than the score card for someone who’s had a 30-year credit history. Do you own a house and have mortgage debt? That’s reflected in different score cards as well. Have you ever declared bankruptcy? That’s an entirely separate score card also – and the strictest one of the bunch, by the way. There’s no question that you should avoid bankruptcy however possible, because it’ll put you on the bankruptcy score card for seven to ten years – and that’s not a good place to be. Bankruptcy should be the absolute last option.

And lastly, before we look at how the scores are calculated, we need to discuss the fact that each of the three credit repositories has its own score. We’re all familiar with the FICO score – everybody refers to the credit score as the FICO score, but that’s only Experian’s version of the credit score. Equifax has the Beacon score and Trans Union has the Classic score. Although they’re all quite similar, they’re each calculated slightly differently. It’s also important to understand that our creditors don’t necessarily give our credit information to all three repositories so they may each have slightly different information, resulting in different scores. In the mortgage business, we always have to use the middle score – not the highest, not the lowest, but the middle credit score.

Okay. So for your credit score, the single biggest component is your Payment History. It accounts for a full 35% of your total score. That’s more than a third. It’s a huge component so making your payments on time is the best thing you can do to keep your credit score healthy. Within Payment History, the repositories look at (1) recency, (2) frequency and (3) severity. If you’ve had two 30-day lates in the past six months, that’s a lot worse than two 30-day lates a year or two ago. In fact, they consider the most recent six months the most, followed by the past two years and then anything after that. The more recent, the bigger the effect on your score. Obviously, a 60-day late is worse than a 30. And if you’ve had a 90-day late, that’s the worst there is. Remember that THAT is exactly what they’re trying to predict. So if you’ve had a 90-day late in the past six months, you can rest assured your credit score took a beating as a result.

The second biggest component of your credit score is Revolving Balances; that’s the outstanding balances on your tradelines – your credit cards. Your Revolving Balances account for 30% of your total score. So, between your Payment History and your Revolving Balances, we’ve already covered 65% of your total score. These are the pillars of your score – by far, the most important.

Obviously, the higher your balances, the lower your score. It makes sense if you think about it. If your balances are really high, there’s a higher probability you’ll have a 90-day late in the next 24 months. And the repositories calculate your balances on both individual accounts as well as aggregated across all your accounts. So while there may be some small benefit spreading your balances around on different credit cards, it won’t make a big difference overall. The best thing you can do is pay your balances down.

Its worthwhile noting your credit score has absolutely NO memory. So if you’ve got a high balance today and you pay if off tomorrow, your credit score could be substantially higher tomorrow. It’s also worth noting your creditors do NOT report your balances every day or even every week. Most report once each month and the day they pick may OR may NOT coincide with your statement date. So the balance reflected on your credit report may NOT match the balance reflected on your most recent statement. Anyway, your score is calculated at the time it’s requested so it’ll reflect the information in the database at that moment in time. If your balances are high, your score will be lower. If your balances are low, your score will be higher.

The next biggest component is your Credit History. It accounts for 15% of your score. So between your Payment History, Revolving Balances and your Credit History, we’ve now accounted for a full 80% of your score. Your Credit History looks at the age of your oldest account and the number of new accounts opened recently. Again, the logic makes sense. If someone’s opening a ton of new accounts, there’s no history to see how he or she will deal with all these new accounts. So with these new unknowns, the risk level goes up and the credit score goes down. It’s never a good idea to open a bunch of new accounts. From the perspective of your credit score, it’s good to have between five and seven accounts but if you don’t have that now, don’t try opening them all up at once.

Next on the list is the Type of Credit. It accounts for 10% of your credit score. Type of Credit looks at both open AND closed accounts. It looks at the type of credit you use and how many accounts of each you have, or have had. The three major types of credit are (1) revolving, (2) installment and (3) mortgages. But there is one subcategory under the label of revolving that hits your score harder than the rest, and that’s the finance company installment accounts. These accounts are the "no payments for 12 months" type of accounts. You know the ones. Buy now, pay later. The credit repositories know what they are as well, and they know the risk of a 90-day late increases when someone goes out and buys all kinds of furniture and flat-screen TVs without having to pay anything for it. Avoid these types of promotions whenever possible.

The last component of your credit score is the Number of Inquiries. Inquiries account for the final 10% of your credit score. Now, there are two types of inquiries. We all get tons of credit card offers in the mail. Well, each of these companies checked our credit before sending us their offers. But don’t worry; they’re not considered in our credit score. They’re called Soft Inquiries because we didn’t request the credit. Many people worry when they get these offers that all these inquiries are reducing their credit scores but that is NOT true.

The second kind of inquiry is a Hard Inquiry. That’s where you signed something authorizing a company to check your credit because you’re applying for a new credit account. So every time you apply for a new credit card or try to buy a car or a house, those are all Hard Inquiries. Only these inquiries are considered in your credit score. Generally speaking, you should limit the number of inquiries to 5 to 7 per year. Yeah, that’s PER YEAR. 5 to 7 per year. Your credit score will look at the most recent 12 months and each individual inquiry can affect your score by 5 to 15 points, depending on the type of credit applied for.

Now, when we’re shopping for a car or a mortgage, we frequently consult with multiple places before we make our final decision. We might visit three or four different car dealerships. We might speak with two or three different Mortgage Bankers before submitting our loan application. The credit bureaus know this and they’ve adjusted their algorithms accordingly. For auto inquiries, you can have an infinite number of inquiries within a 14-day window and they will all count as a single inquiry. For mortgage inquiries, you can have an infinite number of inquiries within a 45-day window and they’ll all count as a single inquiry. So don’t worry about speaking with multiple people. That, in itself, will not reduce your credit score.

The science of credit scoring already extremely complicated and it continues to evolve. Even now, your credit score is an amazingly accurate assessment of your character. That’s one of the reasons income and asset documentation has become less important. Bottom line; if you have a good credit score, lenders know there’s little risk you’ll let them down.

Tuesday 17 May 2016

Beware of hidden clauses in online car auctions

Online car auctions offers interesting and unique car deals to a car enthusiast, but there are aspects that one needs to watch out for. In case you have never used online car auctions before, you might want to check out a few other sites to get some information before delving into one yourself. You need to be prepared mentally and must be in control of your actions to avoid spending money and getting the wrong end of the deal. As they say better safe than sorry, that applies 100% while using the online medium to make big purchases. Since it involves a lot of background checks and research combined with sensible decision making, you need to be wary and tread cautiously.

Some of the aspects that one needs to watch out for are what will help them while making use of online car auctions site.

1. Once the bell rings, the sale is complete-

In an auction, the interested people will make their bid based on the list price, which is the start price. And once the price reaches a high point, the company knows they might not get a better price, they will close bids. The person who has made this highest bid will become the owner of the car upon making the payment. So, be aware of this, for once you have made the bid, you cannot go back on your actions.

2. Appearances can be deceiving-

While using online car auctions, the person will only see the picture of the car and not the actual car itself. The picture posted might look very stylish and in excellent condition, but in reality the car might be worn down and missing a few parts. Therefore, it is essential to try to get some inside information before making the bid. This will save you from unpleasant surprises and wasting hard earned money on a car that is not worth it.

3. Incorrect details-

Sometimes people in an attempt to sell their car might supply false information about their cars on these auction sites. Since the person who wants to buy it cannot inspect the car, they will have to follow what is mentioned there blindly; unless they get a hunch that something is wrong. The car model or the kilometers the car has gone might be different from what is real. It is better you do a check on the car history using one of the websites available before proceeding further.

4. Delivery Cost-

While buying products on the net, one must realize that even though payment is made instantly, delivery of goods takes time. Similarly, while making bids on the auction sites, and if you win the car, you will be expected to make at least a portion of the payment right away. But you will have to wait a couple of days for the car to be delivered, and there might be extra charge levied for this service, which is why at times local auctions are much more convenient.

Gas fire place - do you really need one

Efficient operations of a ventless gas fireplace can be expected only by regular maintenance of a fireplace. You should have a certified chimney sweep inspect and clean the chimney as and when necessary. It is a good idea to learn how to inspect it on your own as well and keep checks at regular intervals. The chimney should be checked at least once a year or after approximately eighty fires. A chimney brush can be used to keep the chimney free from creosote build-up.

There is a good amount of precautionary measures which should be taken during the inspection and cleaning process of a fireplace. Make sure that all ventless gas fireplace fittings are tightened securely and completely extinguish the fire before cleaning. Make sure the chimney is cold along its length.

Glass doors may produce tough stains from flames and heat. These stains can be cleaned by using a glass cleaner available at ventless gas fireplace stores. In order to shine brass fireplace utensils and fittings, Worcestershire sauce and a toothbrush may be used. The firebox is the area where the logs burn. It should be cleaned at least once a week during the months in which it is being used most. It is a good idea to leave an inch of ash while cleaning as it acts as insulation for the coal to heat up faster and easily retains the heat.

An exterior slate hearth can be made to shine by washing, drying and coating it with lemon oil while exterior brick hearths can be cleaned by making use of a brick cleaner available at a ventless gas fireplace shop. A chimney cap should be used to prevent damage due to water, nesting of birds and carbon monoxide entering the house.

Monday 16 May 2016

Watching table tennis on video

Die-hard sports fans do not only want to play the game but also see it in action. This means catching the event live on such shows like ESPN and even having the video collection at home.

Videos of such events were only possible after the camera was invented. This meant that when table tennis started many years ago, radio announcers could only say what was happening and then that was it. If the person was busy doing something else, it is gone forever.

Table tennis videos are seldom sold in Blockbuster Video. The person may have better luck in sporting goods store or in tournaments that usually have a small booth set up that offers such memorabilia.

Another place that has a collection of these is in the Internet. This is because almost every historical event in the world has been uploaded for people to use as reference.

Some of the videos date back to the 1970’s. One website may not have the match the individual is looking for so it will be a good idea to look at other sites until it has been found.

A video collection set may contain the quarterfinals, semifinals and then the final matches while others will skip through everything and head for the main event. The person can look at some previews for free and then just order a set so this can be delivered to the home.

Other websites allow the customer to download certain clips especially in the final matches. The person should just have enough memory in the hard drive to keep a record of everything but should it run out, perhaps it is the time to burn this into a CD.

Table tennis videos are not there to capture a moment in time. This can also be used to help each new and veteran players how to play better in the game. Some stores sell these for under $20 which is the standard price for instructional videos.

Watching the video doesn’t make the person a better table tennis player. This can only happen by taking notes and practicing the same thing with someone else. Some people can even make a personal video which can be reviewed later so the person will perform better in actual competition.

Most stores online sell these either in VHS or DVD format. There are those who offer a discount when more than two are purchased. It will be a good idea to get these now because these are not mass-produced like the movies. The time may come when these are out of stock and will no longer be available.

Learning table tennis from a qualified instructor is the first step to becoming a better player. Given that there are different styles of playing the game, it wouldn’t hurt to watch how others do it so this can also be adapted to the particular style that the person is using.

This can only be achieved by watching some of the best athletes in the world on television but if it is too fast to grasp, these are always available on video. This tool can give insights and provide a better understanding of the game especially when all the person has to do is rewind and play again by pressing the remote control.

What is freelance copy editing

People interested in other freelance writing careers usually look upon copy editing with disdain. Copy editing doesn't involve attention to the actual structure of a piece, they say, and involves little research and fact-chasing necessary to create a lively, memorable article or story. However, copy editing carries its own unique challenges; such as:

1) you need to pay careful attention to the basic mechanics of writing; and

2) you need to pay attention to accuracy, both in facts and in language.

Freelance copy editing isn't just a simpler offshoot of freelance writing in general, but an important discipline in its own right -- and a rewarding one.

To become a successful copy editor you need to know how to use style guides. With some exceptions, editors of newspapers, magazines, and other print publications require you to write in a homogeneous style, both to compensate for writers with occasionally sloppy spelling and usage and to ensure consistent terminology over time. (This is important with newspapers: the names of foreign leaders, organizations, and other foreign-language nouns are often subject to variant spellings.)

The most commonly used style guides include AP (Associated Press), MLA (Modern Language Association), and Chicago. Any budding freelance copy editor would do well to own a copy of each of these, and to become familiar with their use before applying for jobs. Prospective employers will not hire copy editors who lack knowledge of style guides. Use a product like StyleEase software to help with style.

Fact checking is another prime skill for copy editors, as it is a publication's first line of defense against accusations of libel or misrepresentation. Fact-checking is a simple procedure: call the author of the article, ask for his or her sources, and, if warranted, call the sources directly to confirm quotes or statistics. Different publications will have different procedures for fact-checking, all of which should be explained when you take a job.

Beyond that, all that it takes to become a successful copy editor is a sensitivity to cumbersome phrasing, grammar, and spelling, as well as a sensitivity to an author's personal style. Many novice copy editors take a far too forceful approach to their work, effectively rewriting a reporter or other writer's article for them in line with style guides and their own ideas about what makes good writing. This isn't the function of a copy editor. Yes, clarity, grammar, and other issues with writing mechanics are all important, but a writer's ego is important as well, and a too-free hand in the editing process can alienate a publication's staff reporters and foster general enmity.

Since rewriting someone's article causes you more additional work as well, why would you want to do it? Instead, just try to achieve sufficient clarity while leaving as much of the original article "as-is" as you can. If there are any substantial portions of text that inhibit clarity or exhibit serious mechanical errors, talk to the writer personally before making any changes. Yes, it’s an extra step, but one that ensures professional respect in the workplace.

If you don't want to work for a publication, there are plenty of opportunities available for freelance copy editing, both for corporations and for private individuals. Educational publications, in particular, are always looking for good copy editors, and book publishers and literary journals always have a few spots available. You can find out about these opportunities through classified ads, or by making inquiries directly to the company. There's typically a lot of competition in these sorts of jobs, so a solid interview technique and some excellent samples are mandatory for securing work. Once you have your foot in the door, though, corporate copy editing can provide a stable -- if occasionally dull -- source of income.

Copy editing projects offered by individuals are another option, and one which can bring you a more varied body of work and a much more informal attitude toward style guides and format restriction. But this option carries with it some heavy caveats. Often, copy editing projects given by individuals amount to ghostwriting without appropriate compensation, and pay rates can be sketchy as well, ranging from low to nonexistent (with a promise of "resume experience," maybe.) Although when work is consistent, low pay isn't necessarily a problem, individuals can rarely guarantee a sufficient volume of work to ensure your livelihood and a decent career.

Before you accept individual copy editing projects, make sure that you know how much you'll need to make per hour to make the project financially worthwhile (as well as an estimate on how many hours the project will take), and don't accept less than that hourly rate. You may get less work with this approach, but clients won’t rip you off either -- an important consideration for professional copy editors.

Copy editing is a good, low-stress writing job, enjoyable on its own merits or as practice for other freelance writing goals down the line. You can succeed as a freelance copy editor if you familiarize yourself with style guides, and have a good grasp of grammar, spelling, and style usage.

Sunday 15 May 2016

Teachers in new york city schools

As the largest school district in the nation, with over a million students, the New York City Public Schools face a mammoth task. In some ways New York City Schools are at an advantage because New York State has required the stringent Regents exam as a requirement for graduation for years. That doesn’t mean that everyone in the New York City Schools is fond of the mandatory tests, but it has put the city and state at an advantage as far as meeting some of the No Child Left Behind Act’s Standards. At least teachers and administrators of the New York City Schools already had some tight standards in place.

Teachers in New York City Schools need to have or obtain a Master’s Degree to teach. While the New York City Schools are in need of teachers, just like the rest of the nation, the standards that they hold their teachers to and the pay are among the highest in the country. That’s not to say the New York City Schools don’t have problems - they do. But the New York City Schools do have a sound foundation for hiring teachers.

Diversity of New York City Schools

For anyone who hasn’t visited the Big Apple, it’s not easy to explain the different worlds that exist in one city. It’s like the difference between the hustle and busy of New York City and the rural feel of the rest of New York State - different worlds. For teachers in New York City it means that where you teach can make all the difference in the world. New York City school teachers in Harlem will have an inner-city experience, while New York City school teachers in Long Island may have a more suburban teaching experience.

Issues for New York City Schools

The size of New York City Schools and classrooms is an issue that has haunted teachers for years. Most teachers agree that smaller class sizes are more effective for creating learning environments. Some students and teachers in about 50 New York City Schools have moved into smaller sized school buildings. Teachers in New York City Schools say that smaller school sizes create a more intimate setting, better parent-teacher relationships, and higher student achievement. Teachers also have a better chance of individualizing instruction when there are fewer students in a classroom. While the small schools initiative was mainly targeted at school size, teachers try to address class size as well.

Teacher turnover has been an issue in many, usually poorer, New York City Schools. Coming up with ways to keep teachers happy in these at-risk areas continues to be a challenge. Tenured teachers often leave these for “better” schools. And turnover itself creates issues. The teachers in the New York City Schools have a tough job by anyone’s standards. And as the country looks for solutions to public education, New York City Schools will continue to be watched closely.

Of birth control and unwanted pregnancies

Married for eight years, Robert and Tanya Maxwell had their hands full trying to raise six children. As devout Catholics, the couple were constrained to follow the teachings of their church. In 1968, Pope Paul VI issued an encyclical letter entitled Humanae Vitae which stated that, “...it is always wrong to use contraception to prevent new human beings from coming into existence.” The couple were active in the Catholic lay community and vowed to follow the doctrines of their church. Of their six children, the first three offspring were “intentional” or were conceived with full intent on resulting in pregnancy. They really wanted to only have three children. However, the fourth up to sixth child could be considered “an accident” brought by the heat of passion. While they remained thankful for having six children, each of whom they saw as a blessing from God, they could not help but feel overwhelmed. Having a big family has really taken a toll on their marriage, time, and finances. After some deliberation, the couple decided to adopt birth control methods or family planning. Definitely, the rhythm method was not appropriate for them. For the sake of the entire family's well being, the couple decided to be more open-minded about family planning. Even if Mrs. Maxwell was not so keen on trying methods that were not approved by the Church, she realized that their conservative views got them to into trouble in terms of their family's finances.

Ben and Laura, on the other hand, are from from being conservatives. They got married right after their high school graduation. Laura, who was only 18 at the time she got married, got pregnant soon after tying the knot with Ben. The couple underwent sex education in school and said that they always practiced safe, protected sex. Still, life sprang a surprise on them.

Roger and Lisa Cooper, unlike the first two couples, had a honeymoon baby. But after starting a new business, they agreed that they would wait to try for the next baby after about two years. They made it a condition to achieve success in their business first so that they would be more financially prepared to have a second baby. But after a few short months after her first baby's birthday, Mrs. Cooper found out that she was pregnant with twins!

A lot of couples are concerned about the size of their family as a response to the need to be more financially and emotionally prepared for the challenges of having a large brood of children. For that reason, contraception has become a serious and necessary issue for many couples. But even with all the advances in science and medicine, many are still surprised and overwhelmed by unplanned marriages. The reason for this is simply the lack of information about methods of contraception and family planning.

Here are a list of practical and effective methods of contraception that all married couples should be informed about:

1. Th Pill – It is still the most widely accepted birth control method. It is a drug that contains estrogen and progesterone --- hormones that change how the body works and prevents pregnancy. The birth control pill suppresses ovulation and thickens the cervical mucus around the cervix, making it difficult for sperm to reach the uterus to fertilize the egg cells. Some studies show that the use of these so-called combination pills helps lower the risk of ovarian and endometrial cancer. However, scientific evidence also shows that the use of the pill also increases risk for cervical and liver cancer. The side effects associated with the pill varies from one woman to another. Some of the possible side effects include nausea, spotting between periods, depression, weigh gain, among others. The pill is not recommended for those who are diabetic, women with high blood pressure, and smokers who are over 35 years old. The pill is generally marked as 99% effective as a birth control method.

2. The Condom - A thin latex rubber sheath that fits over the erect penis and bars the sperm from entry into the cervix. It is inexpensive, convenient, and widely available. The main advantage of using a condom is that it can protect the user from contracting sexually transmitted disease including HIV and AID. However, the most common complaint about the condom is that some men find it uncomfortable and that it lessens sexual pleasure.

3. Injectable Contraceptive - Injectable contraceptives contain the hormone called Medroxy Progestorone Acetate and prevents ovulation for three months. This method can be used by breastfeeding mothers and offers the woman both privacy and ease. However, the injectable offers no protection against STDs and the effects of the shot are not immediately reversible once you have been injected.

4. Norplant – This method involves the surgical insertion of six matchstick-sized rods in the underside of the upper arm. These rods release a low-dose hormone called levonogrestrel which thickens the cervical mucus, thins the lining of the womb, and inhibits ovulation for as long as five years. The drawback is that some women experienced skin irritation, headaches, dizziness, acne, weight gain, hair loss and nausea.

What contraception is right for you? The right answer can really come only from you and your partner.

Talk to your health care professional about safe and proven birth control methods. Always remember its best to use some form of birth control method rather than leaving everything to chance. Every couple should be responsible enough to practice safe sex and prevent unwanted pregnancy.