Tuesday 17 May 2016

Beware of hidden clauses in online car auctions

Online car auctions offers interesting and unique car deals to a car enthusiast, but there are aspects that one needs to watch out for. In case you have never used online car auctions before, you might want to check out a few other sites to get some information before delving into one yourself. You need to be prepared mentally and must be in control of your actions to avoid spending money and getting the wrong end of the deal. As they say better safe than sorry, that applies 100% while using the online medium to make big purchases. Since it involves a lot of background checks and research combined with sensible decision making, you need to be wary and tread cautiously.

Some of the aspects that one needs to watch out for are what will help them while making use of online car auctions site.

1. Once the bell rings, the sale is complete-

In an auction, the interested people will make their bid based on the list price, which is the start price. And once the price reaches a high point, the company knows they might not get a better price, they will close bids. The person who has made this highest bid will become the owner of the car upon making the payment. So, be aware of this, for once you have made the bid, you cannot go back on your actions.

2. Appearances can be deceiving-

While using online car auctions, the person will only see the picture of the car and not the actual car itself. The picture posted might look very stylish and in excellent condition, but in reality the car might be worn down and missing a few parts. Therefore, it is essential to try to get some inside information before making the bid. This will save you from unpleasant surprises and wasting hard earned money on a car that is not worth it.

3. Incorrect details-

Sometimes people in an attempt to sell their car might supply false information about their cars on these auction sites. Since the person who wants to buy it cannot inspect the car, they will have to follow what is mentioned there blindly; unless they get a hunch that something is wrong. The car model or the kilometers the car has gone might be different from what is real. It is better you do a check on the car history using one of the websites available before proceeding further.

4. Delivery Cost-

While buying products on the net, one must realize that even though payment is made instantly, delivery of goods takes time. Similarly, while making bids on the auction sites, and if you win the car, you will be expected to make at least a portion of the payment right away. But you will have to wait a couple of days for the car to be delivered, and there might be extra charge levied for this service, which is why at times local auctions are much more convenient.

1 comment:

  1. No doubt, online car auctions make a best substitute for the customary live auctions of cars. As wellex uk cars for export may get more prompted to participate in online auctions for a car than the any other option because of the exclusive advantages that online auctions provide.
